Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 196: The Hard Disk 

Rita's POV: 

I had just gotten up this morning when I heard a set of footsteps coming from the front door.

Thus, I got up and quickly got dressed.

Not long after, I heard a loud banging on the door.

The moment I opened it, I saw a row of bodyguards in suits.

They all looked fierce, and they entered our house before I could even utter a word.I was so scared that I just stood rooted to my spot.

In a fit of panic, my mother came over, but she couldn't say a word when she heard the commotion.

After regaining my composure, I gathered my courage and asked, "Who the hell are you people? Don't you know that trespassing is illegal? Get out of here or I'm going to call the police!"

Right after I finished my sentence, the middle-aged man in the lead threw a smartphone at me and shot me a disdainful glance.

"Call the police if you have the guts.And don't say later that I didn't give you a chance!"

His intimidating presence left me petrified.

It was then that my mother came to my side and spluttered, "Stop acting so arrogant! This the Lively family's house.I'll have you know that…"

"You're the ones who are trespassing into my house!"

When I heard that familiar voice, the group of bodyguards made way for her.

Soon, I saw Lily's proud face as she approached me.

"Lily, what the hell? Why did you order all these people to break into my house?" I asked with disdain.

"I have in my hand the deed of transfer of ownership of your house.I'm giving you and your mother three hours to pack up and get the hell out of my house!"

"No! Nate would never do this to me!"

Having said that, my mother grabbed the deed of ownership from Lily's hand, reading through it carefully.

"Stop questioning and go pack your bags while I'm still in a good mood.My patience is thin, so you better get packing now! If not, you'll soon face my wrath."

Lily seemed so proud of herself.

This time, I took the document and reviewed it.

My father had indeed signed the document.

However, there was no way I would let Lily succeed without a fight.

"There's something wrong with this document.The seal and signature on it are all fake! Lily, do you seriously think you can kick me and my mother out of this house just because you presented us a forged document? You stupid bitch!" I shouted brazenly.

Then, my mother walked up to Lily and gave her a slap across the face.

Infuriated by my mother's reaction, Lily covered her face and gnashed her teeth.

"Seize them!"

The middle-aged man behind her acknowledged the order and immediately tried to restrain my mother.

However, I stood in front of my mother and said, "If you try to lay a hand on me and my mother, I am going to make your lives a living hell!"

Just then, I noticed Richard standing at the door.

I ran to his side, grabbing his arm as if holding onto dear life.

"Richard, please! I need your help to drive Lily out.She's trying to kick us out using that forged document!"

"Sorry, Rita.I'm just here to grab a few things.I won't meddle in your affairs."

pulled his hand away from

even dignify me with a glance while he was speaking.I felt

Richard stood in the living room while his subordinates

my mother was trembling in fear, I told

you should go back to your room.Richard and I

to go, but she had no choice but to

shot Lily a

only Richard, I, Lily and her men were in

air around us

and said, "Well, go

in the room

was a

whispered something to her

said, "Fine.I'm going to be the bigger person and give you two more days.If you don't move out by then, I'm going to teach you

seriously threatening me in


the premises of my house along with her men. Once she was gone, I held Richard's arm, trying to

you planning to take from

of responding, Richard just frowned at

glancing at me,

become sharper, and his face turned

presence was making

I said, "Richard, please

my surprise, Richard threw my hand away

of me, then stay the

heartless to

me again.You

me feel that

his words that I felt like my heart

plucked up the courage to

then why did you send bodyguards to follow

think I care about you beyond that,

job, huh? Then who gave you that

until I heard a

"Mr.Charles Moore," replied Richard.

stairway.I glanced over there and

it," said one

him holding a transparent

box to examine

"Let's go," he said.


that box, but he didn't even give me a chance

I went to the study to look for some

found that my father's safe had

heard a noise coming from the

that Richard had

so startled that I immediately turned my head, only to find that it

You scared me," I said, holding my

came out.What

transparent box away a few seconds ago.I didn't have the courage to grab it back because I was heavily outnumbered.That's why I'm here

of the safe to check inside.I thought that there would

phone downstairs rang, so I ran


deep male voice coming from the other end

and who

representative of the federal prison,

hung up on him, my

couldn't have come at a worse

have a hard time in prison, but I never expected him to be mistreated

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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