Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 33: It's You 

Scarlett's POV: 

After work, I walked out of the TV station with Zora, the make-up artist who helped me out this morning when Susan, Rita's mother, came storming into the studio and started wreaking havoc.

Before we could make it to the gates, Abner caught up with us and invited us to dinner.

As soon as we sat down at the restaurant, Zora turned to me.

"So, how did you deal with that hysterical woman who made trouble for you today?"

I almost chuckled a reply.

Zora was one of the most serious, professional people I knew at work.I found it startling and a little amusing to see her transform into a common gossiper.

"I told her that if she ever comes after me like that again, I will expose her family's atrocities," I replied with a smile.

"Atrocities? Oh, my.Tell me more."

Zora's eyes glinted with excitement and anticipation.

I just beamed at her but did not answer.

Seeing that I did not intend to reveal more than I already had, Zora stopped asking, but she still flashed me some curious looks the entire meal.

While Abner, Zora, and I enjoyed our dinner, a familiar man strode into the restaurant with a group of men whose swagger screamed opulence.

My eyes darted to one of them whose name was Walker.

I would never forget him as he had casually asked me to be his mistress over drinks before.

Abner instantly recognized Charles.

He glanced at the door and then said to me, "The reason for your bad luck today is coming over."

It took all of two heartbeats for Charles to reach our table, his entourage falling into step behind him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I said by way of greeting.

"Dinner with some friends."

I swept my gaze over the men Charles referred to as his friends.

They greeted me with a smile, but I could tell from their curious stares that they were guessing the kind of relationship I had with their dear friend.

"I see you've come here for dinner, too.I'll get the check.It's my treat tonight.Enjoy yourselves." Charles nodded to Abner and Zora.

"Oh, thank you, Mr.Moore." Abner did not move.

Zora stood up, shook Charles's hand, and thanked him.

Although a little surprised by Zora's gesture, Charles returned the handshake and grinned.

Then, he shot me a look as if he was waiting for my expression of gratitude.

"That's very kind of you, Mr.Moore.Thank you,"

I finally blurted out.

Charles answered my remark with a rare, gleeful chortle.

"You're annoyingly cute when you try to be formal with me, Miss Riley.I wish you'd just call me honey."

My heart leapt to my throat.

people? Was I not in enough trouble? Charles flashed me his smug smile

him as he walked

to be in a good mood,

Scarlett? Did one of the richest, most eligible bachelors in the city just flirt with

and then

you think," I said

"What is it then?"

"It's complicated."

she could not get any decent

heaved a sigh

the restaurant together, but before we could walk

you to stay and wait for


want to wait for Charles, but his

not want to make

agreed, he nodded and shuffled

you really want to sit around here and wait for him? You


okay.I have something to discuss with him anyway." I


Abner watched me carefully.

him the truth, he

worry.Go home.I'll see you at

"All right."

to Abner and Zora at the

his friends rose from their

stood at the door and waited for


his eyes got me all confused

did not resist.I just let him guide

right now was the attention

want to embarrass

with me and my

in front of his friends, wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and held

one of you once attempted to pursue my dear

in a voice

him and did not

were going to pay for coveting what belonged to

Walker was

he was the one Charles was

just look guilty because they had thought about making

grandparents' eye.She's very precious to them.No man in his right mind would risk the wrath of Michael and Christine Moore just to steal

of them avoided making eye contact with me and

none of them was powerful enough to challenge the might

stood there and bore

thought this little charade of Charles's

aggressively, then none of them would dare come after me anymore, and I would

in this, Scarlett.You keep such a

and tucked a lock of my

Susan's hand left on my face, I dipped


calm, delighted face suddenly turned dark as if someone had just flipped

"What happened to you?"

cover up my cheek with my hair,

"Tell me what happened."


to struggle, but it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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