Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 534: Can He Do It Or Not 

Charles’ POV: 

I was in a very good mood when I got to the office in the morning. As soon as I was in my office, Amy walked in and placed some documents on my desk. 

“Mr. Moore, Mr. Carter wants to have dinner with you tonight at Starlight Restaurant. You played tennis with him two days ago. He has also invited the actress who won the best new artist of the year award as well as several other ladies who are popular on the Internet.” 

“I’m busy tonight. Please decline the invitation on my behalf,” I ordered tritely as I picked up the documents on the table and perused them. 

“Okay, I’ll contact Mr. Carter right away.” Amy nodded and was about to leave.

 “Wait a minute,” I called out as a thought occurred to me.

 “From now on, decline all invitations that are not related to business.” I was a married man now, so I had to maintain a certain distance from other women. 

Otherwise, Caroline would be jealous. My mouth curved in a small smile as I opened a document and started my work for the day. 

At this moment, my phone blared with an incoming call. I paused what I was doing and picked up the call. “Charles, how have you been? It’s been a while since we last saw each other, would you like to have dinner at the Starlight Restaurant? Bring Caroline with you, okay?” 

I considered it for a moment before agreeing. After ending the call, I returned my attention to the document, but a reflection of someone’s shadow made me look up. A stunned Amy was gaping at me. 

“Mr. Moore, didn’t you just say that you aren’t free tonight?”

Calmly. I closed the document and tapped the table twice as I regarded her. 

“I decided to change my plans. Is there a problem with that?” 

“Of course not! I’ll explain to Mr. Carter. I wish you and Mrs. Moore a happy night.” Smiling, Amy left the office and closed the door behind her.

Once the work day was over, I asked Richard to take me to the Wilson Group. Incidentally, we arrived just as Caroline was coming out of the company. 

The moment she saw me, a wide smile bloomed on her face and she quickened her pace. When she was in front of me, I opened my arms and enveloped her in a hug. 

“You shouldn’t be walking so fast What if you trip and hurt yourself? Please be careful.” 

“I’m not that fragile.” Caroline smiled shyly, blushing as she avoided my kiss. 

“No. We are on the teet”

“So what? I want to kiss my wife. It’s none of other people’s business.” I held her firmly and bent over her as I pecked her on the lips Relenting, I ended our hug and opened the door for her to get into the

The second we entered the restaurant, an excited Icey was upon us. She rushed towards Caroline and hugged her tightly 

I missed you too! Caroline hugged her back with a big

get to Caroline, a gust of strong perfume

hug went on for so long that I wanted to separate the two of them. I was man enough to admit the fact that I didn’t want someone else to be so close to my wife, be it a man or a woman. But when I saw the happy smile on Caroline’s face, I found the strength to

side. Placing his arm across my shoulder, he teased me, “Don’t be nervous. Women hug like

a low voice, “Just go and pull your wife away from

by yourself?” I gaped at him speechlessly. Feeling a little helpless, I turned around

soon. Your husband is so

I still heard what she said. Swiveling my head, I pinned Icey with a hard stare. She widened her eyes and pretended to be frightened, even going as far as to tighten her grip on Caroline’s hand. Caroline looked up at me helplessly. When I saw her bright and wide eyes, my heart

“Mr. Moore!” 

called my name. Reflexively, I turned my head to seek out the voice. The figure of a man laughing cheerfully was the first thing I saw. As he came closer, his bright laughter resounding in the corridor, I realized two things about the man. One, he was accompanied by

my stomach

I turned away from him, but Carter failed to interpret the meaning behind my averted gaze. He and the women on his arms walked towards me. He came to a stop in front of me and

your assistant informed me that you weren’t free today. I asked her to tell you that I had invited several beautiful women to join us tonight and that you couldn’t miss

sexy girls giggled at his words. Batting their eyelashes at me,

playing tennis with Mr. Carter. You’re so handsome! Can you teach us how to play?” Instinctively, my gaze went to Caroline. The smile on her face was gone now and she glared at me coldly, “Since Mr.

back, all I wanted to do was go over to her and hold her in my arms. But I remained rooted to

Caroline’s POV

got to the private room, I eased my grip on Icey’s arm and sat down, feeling upset. When the scene outside the private room flashed across my mind again,

took a group

him and fluttering their eyelashes at him. I was pretty sure he

that he had such a large appetite.

the menu and stared

and asked with great interest,

touched my swollen belly, I breathed deeply and tried to

sons and finally, you are going

one with David,” I murmured teasingly as I

can get pregnant, but we’ve been trying for a while now.” Icey touched

its cause. You should be more patient.” Patting her hand softly, I tried

out of my mouth when the door was pushed open and Charles and David walked in. I glared at Charles before returning my attention to the menu.

bored to tears if you have dinner with two married women?” Icey teased Charles loudly the second he was in the room Ignoring her, Charles walked over to me and sat next to me. Gently,

not interested in

nearly popped out of her head. After a few seconds, she whispered in my ear, “He said he’s not interested in women. Is he impotent now? How long ago did the two of you

next to me, so he heard every word. Charles’

is that I’m not interested in any other women apart from

leaned over and whispered in my ear

tried it recently? Can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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