Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 538: What’s Wrong With Your Husband 

Caroline’s POV: 

After breakfast, Charles drove me back to the company.

Along the way, I didn’t even glance at him and just focus on the scenery outside the window. Suddenly, my phone rang, breaking the silence in the car.

I glanced at the screen and saw that Diego was calling. I rejected the call, but he soon called again. Charles pressed his lips and slowly pulled over. I looked at him, visibly confused. 

“Why’d you stop the car?” He took my ringing phone away from my hand and pressed the answer key. His face was sullen and tense. He looked like he wanted to fight someone. 

“If you don’t want to be fired, never call her again!” His voice was frightening and was enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine.

Thereafter, he ended the phone call. I looked at him with a blank stare. I couldn’t understand why he was being so hostile against Diego. 

“Charles, why did you threaten him?” 

“What do you mean? Why would I need to intimidate him?” Charles cast me a cold glance and spoke in a disdainful tone.

His firm attitude dampened my courage to go against him, and I felt uncomfortable.

For as long as I’d come back as Caroline, he had always been kind to me. But lately, he was getting more and more irritable. These days, his temper was volatile. After we arrived at the company, he pulled over the car. He held the steering wheel with both hands, sullen and silent.

I unfastened my seatbelt, ready to get off the car. But then, he stopped me. 


“What?” I asked, annoyed by his cold attitude towards me. Because of how sad I was of how he treated me, I was distancing myself from him as well.

“Do you like him?” he answered, looking into my eyes.

I was stunned for a moment. I stared back at him as anger surged in my heart. 

Diego? Shouldn’t he already know who I like? If I love someone else, I wouldn’t have agreed to tus proposal!

got so annoyed that I wanted to

the one who’s always fooling around with other women outside of our relationship. Do not lump me in with you Got it?”

I’ve sever elsayed you,” Charles countered with

right now, Caroline. Stay away from other men Have you forgotten already? Simon courted you, seemingly out of love. But

as you thinko I was so angry that my blood pressure soured. I felt a dull pain coming from my lower abdomen. Thereafter, I unfastened

had nowhere to vent my anger, so I took out my phone and

to pick me up tonight. I don’t

just to alleviate some of

the office chair, tears streamed down my cheeks like beads from a broken necklace. I sulked for what

with someone else? Besides, I only see Diego while I’m at work! From the very beginning, Charles has never trusted me. He always has it out for me,’ I complained inwardly. Right after work, I left the company building. I found Charles’ car waiting downstairs.

the Moore mansion along with the elders, so I made an appointment with Icey and Nina at Starlight Restaurant. Once the dishes were served,

mood. Did Charles upset you again?” Icey asked, holding her chin. Nina, on the other hand, took a sip of her wine and

and he’s already upset you.

upset.” I lowered

said to me during the day brought tears to my eyes. Just then, a knock on the door interrupted our conversation. All three of us glanced at the door at the same time and saw

“Mrs. Moore, I’m Bill Carter. We met here a few days ago. Do you remember? I assure you that what happened on that day was a misunderstanding. I heard that you’re here with your friends tonight, so I came here to

dawned on me who he was. I smiled and asked, “What have you done wrong that requires you to apologize to me,

those beautiful women I brought to invite Mr. Moore for a drink. I thought that alcohol and women were the best tools to use to ensure our cooperation. But now, I realize that

spoon, listening intently to his story. Seeing that I wouldn’t respond or react, Bill’s voice became fainter and fainter, and

you should apologize to Charles, not Caroline. Why are you apologizing

that she might misunderstand her husband. He's a gentleman. He truly cares about his wife. What happened that day was my mistake. But I do hope that you won’t get at me for it, Mrs. Moore. How about this? I’ll punish myself by drinking three glasses of wine continuously. If that doesn’t satisfy you, I’ll drink as

of wine. The one followed behind him was probably his assistant, who umedistuly poured another glass

in total, Bill looked at me and said to the person

sikenty, Mr Carter, There’s no need for you to drink any more. However, I can’t make a decision on Charles’ behalf when it comes to business. You’ll

Moore. Anyway, I’ll let you ladies have

nodded, giving us an awkward smile before

shifted the topic to Charles As I recalled what had happened these past few days,

door opened and I heard a deep voice. “What’s wrong with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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