Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 216: An Exciting Ending 

Lucia's POV: 

The moment I found out that our director was the one who was speaking with Charles over the phone, I grew so frightened that my whole body shook uncontrollably.

"Charles, I'm so sorry! I never meant to offend you.Please forgive me this time! It was all my fault.You can punish me and do as you like to me, but please let me keep my job!"

"You're the one who asked for it, Lucia."Charles showed me no pity.

He sneered, then spun on his heel and strode out.He didn't bother sparing me a single glance even as he left.

A deep sense of despair overwhelmed me, pushing me into darkness.

I collapsed and lay on the floor, panting anxiously, feeling like my soul had flown out of my body.

However, I had no time to dwell on my loss.

The next instant, the phone in my pocket buzzed.

The sound startled me.

My fear intensified, and I didn't have the courage to pick up the call.

I glanced at the number and instantly knew it was the personnel manager.

A horrible feeling rose inside me.

"Lucia, you're fired! Please pack up your belongings and leave the TV station right away.We will complete the rest of the procedures in three days."

"No, no! I'm sorry! I apologize for everything I've done! I'll accept any punishment, but please don't fire me…!"

But before I could finish, the personnel manager hung up immediately.My body froze as an icy sensation spread throughout me.I felt cold physically and mentally, like I had fallen into freezing waters.I knew I was in desperate circumstances.

All of a sudden, I thought of someone who could help me.

With this small ray of hope, I struggled to get up from the ground.

My ankle ached terribly, but I had no time to care about the pain.I limped to a chair and quickly dialed Linda's number.

"Aunt Linda, you have to help me! The personnel manager fired me!"

"What's going on? How did that happen?"

"I… I offended Charles."

"What? Idiot girl!"

"Stop swearing and just help me! You're my aunt, aren't you?!"

"Alright.Go and find Spencer.He's Charles' best friend, and he's still single."

"What of it?"

he's fond of beautiful women.You might be able to attract

to go to

ensuring that

before, but I endured it and wore high heels to complete my


Scarlett's POV: 

hand tenderly and said, "Scarlett, why don't we go to the Mint Bar tonight? Just the two

view of Charles's good behavior today, I

drove us to

soon as Charles and I got out of the car, I noticed a familiar-looking

skirt was particularly eye-catching, sticking to her

She had cried so bitterly earlier during the day, but now, she had already dolled up and was going to spend her time in a


eyes off her and ignored her, and

need to concern myself

the ambience resembling

on the dance floor, shaking their heads and twisting their bodies

the DJ played the beats, the sound growing louder and

which was threatening to make my eardrums bleed from

took Charles to the second floor to find

was standing at the

she saw us, she greeted

Vivian.Why aren't you

was confused as to why she was

talking with a

Immediately, I frowned.

Lucia coming for Spencer? And why was she dressed so unnecessarily

grabbed Vivian's arm, and promptly dragged her into the

inside the room for

Lucia, who for some reason had unbuttoned

could easily see her full

beautiful than you, isn't she? But I don't even care for her, let alone a woman like you who's trying so hard to seduce me.I like beautiful women, but I'll have you know that I'm also picky

was scrunched up with

could tell that

then, our

shame colored her ashen

top, grabbed her bag, and

to look at Charles and

"Are you two here to watch a

was still as

and went straight

meanwhile, struggled to free herself

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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