Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 518: Business Alliances By Marriage 

Charles’ POV: 

The second I got back to the company and saw Amy, I ordered ‘tersely, "Amy, go to the finance department and inform them to get me all the money we can use."

"Mr.Moore, why do you need so much money?"

A shocked Amy asked instead of hurrying off to carry out my instruction.

"You must have heard that the stock price of Wilson Group plummeted.I need a large sum of money to help Caroline get through this."

"But… Something went wrong with our project in Europe.We can’t proceed as expected so the capital is still trapped in the project until we are able to complete it.The company’s capital chain is also very tight, and we really can’t squeeze out so much money for the time being,"

Amy informed me in a grim voice.I loosened my tie irritably and rubbed my temple, lost in thought.

"I’ll think of a way to get the money.But for now, suspend all the expensive projects and transfer one hundred million dollars to the Wilson Group."

"Mr.Moore, once those projects are stopped, it will cause a great loss to the company.Isn’t there any other way?"

The door opened at that exact moment and Nevaeh walked in with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Sir, here is your coffee."

"Put it on the table."

With a slow strut, Nevaeh walked to my desk and placed the coffee to my left.She was wearing a tight and sexy business suit.

When she bent down, the V-shaped collar was slightly open, revealing half of her plump breasts and the cleavage.

"Sorry, but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation.It sounded like you need money urgently.If you don’t mind, I can borrow some money from my father."

"No, thanks.I think the company can release some money."

I emphasized my words with a decisive shake of my head.

The money in question was a large sum and with the Wilson Group facing possible bankruptcy, there was a major possibility that the money could be in vain.

"Charles, you don’t have to be so formal with me.We grew up together.If you need help and I’m able to offer it, then why won’t you accept my help?"

face was scrunched up in

the money I want to borrow is

you the money since it’s for an emergency and you


my head in

"Thank you, Nevaeh."

honor to help

afternoon, I called

loan going? What did the bank

Asta’s face was grim.

talked to the bank and the repayment date for our previous loan is getting nearer.We have to pay the outstanding loan before the new year and only after that can we go through the re lending process.Unfortunately, due to the present circumstances, the company has a low credit rating.If we can’t pany to 28-sigil oli thé loan, it will be difficult for us to get the loan from the bank.They believe the risk is too great for them to give us the loan without a

sank at his

failed to pay the loan on time, then

to repay the outstanding loan as soon as possible bothered me.What if the bank just wanted

should be either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.I’ll

arrange it

left, the calm facade I was spotting evaporated and I stared at the ceiling

of Wilson

me and the shareholders were

like I had been abandoned by everyone and left

and this tiredness I felt was soul

at the end of this dark tunnel because I knew I couldn’t afford to


asked them about the loan, they

Wilson Group needs a lot of

manager thought for a while before finally raising his head

Moore Group.If Moore


a sudden, a glimmer

I took out my phone and

then, my phone lit

It was Simon.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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