Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 183: The Heir Of The Lively Group 

Scarlett's POV: 

"Thank you, Grandma."

After Christine put on the ring for me, I was moved.

"You're a good girl, Scarlett.You should head off to work now!" she said.

"Okay, Grandma.See you tonight!"

When I got downstairs, I found that Charles was still sitting at the table.

"Janet is a little busy today, so I'll drive you to work instead.Don't refuse my offer, or else I'll follow you every day from now on!"

Charles' childish behavior had rendered me speechless.I decided to ignore him and just went straight to the car to open the door.

Charles grabbed my hand and stared at the ring.

"Did Grandma give you that?" he asked.


As I spoke, I shook off his hand.

"If you like it, go ahead and wear it.That ring is the heirloom of the Moore family."

Charles got in the driver's seat and started the engine.

"Grandma gave me this, so of course, I'll wear it!" I shot him a cold glance, looking smug.

"You don't even have one!"

"What's yours is mine," he said.

With a smile on his face, Charles stepped on the accelerator, causing the car to speed away like an arrow out of a bowstring.

The moment we arrived at the entrance of the TV station, I noticed a tall man standing at the door from a distance.

It was William.

I waved at him and smiled.

"Why are you so happy to see him?" asked Charles, seemingly annoyed.

William and I have work to talk

off the car, I slammed the door

walk away, Charles grabbed my hand.When I turned around, I saw him looking at me with knitted brows.I tried to break free from his grasp, but he

I decided to

being, you can wear the ring that Grandma gave you.But once your new ring

that he seemed to

around and saw William standing behind

on purpose? How could he be so childish?'

waiting for

smile before

so you can


or anything.I really am jealous.You've become a producer now.Why is the first person you're introducing in your

point, I didn't know

to you.It makes me feel jealous, and I feel

the matter with him today? He's being

with William is strictly professional," I

case, let

last, a smile appeared on Charles ' lips. I wanted to tell him no, but he had

slip away

Rita's POV: 

Charles' company

enter the building, I approached

to talk to you.It's about the


dignify me

had to speed up just to

is really important to me.I really need your help this time.In return, I'll do anything you

and looked me

anything from you.You're worthless to


stay away

gestured a few of

that he would be so

find some sort of

*** *** 

Lively Group and went straight to my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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