Chapter 124

"Don’t you look down on me,” Jasper said.

“I’m worried you’ll be taken advantage of by fucking randos!” Landon cursed in a moment of anger.

“You think everyone’s an animal like you?” Squinting, Jasper amirked and got into his car.

Jasper’s Maybach cruised down an empty street.

“Mi Jasper, the press conference has ended. There are more negative comments about Ms. Betty than before, and it’s starting to affect our company’s reputation,” Xavier reported with concern. while driving. “The fallout is worse than we expected…”

“Our company?” There was a gleam in Jasper’s eyes. “It’s only ‘our company‘ when they need me to take cate of the trouble that crops up.”

He had never seen the Becketts as his family. Apart from his grandpa, no one else in the family saw him as one of theirs, including his father, Javier.

If so, he’d sacrifice Betty and watch his family break down that day. He did not consider Betty’s

heavy punishment, considering how she had taken

his mind. That sly fox had put on a show

attempt to humiliate him or

his tie in frustration, he

over in

“Huh? Okay.”

quickly pulled over by a public

you unwell? Do you need a puke bag?”

like you’ll be a good puke bag.” Jasper glared at

Xavier felt unfairly

take a stroll.” Jasper left the car

breezes swept past the wide and empty streets. He casually walked through the

for real if he had stayed in the car for a

in his tracks and

dog with

laugh pierced through the air. Jasper slowly turned around and noticed a tall and hostile man not far

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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