Preston kicked Cornelius to the ground. Then, he got down on one knee, lifted his foot, and stepped on Cornelius’ bleeding wound.

Cornelius howled in extreme pain.

“I’m not afraid to be frank with you too. It’s about Bill’s aircraft accident. I was the one who planned it all.”

“Why, you… You…!” Cornelius widened his eyes in disbelief. He stared straight at Preston’s sinister face. However, he was in so much pain that he couldn’t bring himself to say a word.

“That year, I hired someone to destroy the helicopter’s main gearbox in advance. That caused the aircraft to plunge into the sea. I did have a chance to save Bill. But I chose to leave him to die.

“Poor Bill. Even as he died, he wouldn’t have thought that it was his own younger brother who caused his death! Did you know? He watched as I swam up to the surface of the sea. His gaze was even filled with relief. There was not a hint of hatred in his eyes at all.

“Such a perfect and good-hearted man should just be reunited with God. He’ll just get in my way if he stays in the Harper family. All I can say is that he was born into the wrong family!”

“Asshole! You bastard!”

had. However, Preston didn’t give


in a pool of his blood. He died

floored to see such cruelty before his eyes. Those who didn’t know them

You can only blame yourself for being

face was blank. He swept his

such a kind and merciful man. It didn’t suit him to be in the bloody world of business. I am the only and most suitable

front of Primrose Manor. As expected, she

way right in. But she felt that it would’ve been too abrupt. After all, she still

wait, the

wary, so she hid among the trees and observed the situation

moment, she spotted Frank lugging a long, black nylon

that following behind him was a single-armed Preston, who was also dragging an identical

been cleaned up?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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