The frown on Cyrus’ forehead became deeper. At the same time, his gaze got colder and colder.

Cyrus asked, “In other words, you’re asking me to back out?”

Landon’s throat was dry. He was about to answer when Cyrus continued, “Since the time I found out that you were both in love, I positioned myself as a bystander. I was afraid that you’d overthink things, so I even tried to avoid causing trouble. As much as I liked Lauren, I didn’t dare to meet with her.

“The chance has always been in your hands, Landon. I don’t care if you both parted ways because of yourself or because of your family. Why can’t you just give me a chance?”

Cyrus’ question was extremely critical, and it hit Landon like a ton of bricks. He gaped in shock.

“You’re both not in a relationship anymore. It’s completely fine with me as I am pursuing her in a normal way. If you still have feelings for her, you can go ahead and profess to her. We can fight for her fair and square. Feel free to do your best to win her back. I will not interfere.

“But you’re coming to me now, asking me to back out and give you the chance?

Landon, that’s too demanding of

of icy unfriendliness in Cyrus’ voice. He added, “Your feelings for Lauren are sincere. So are mine. You’re willing to

you think that I can’t do

love rival just to make yourself feel better.

emotions tore

of the art academy, Cyrus used his polished negotiation skills and deftness to save Lauren from her hostage taker.

was grasping at straws now. His words were sincere yet humble. “I swear that I won’t get in your way. I won’t fight with you or snatch

I’ll be getting back to

opened the car door with a blank look

stiffly. His lonely figure looked like his soul

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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