With help from a woman named “Ms. Gardner”, Betty returned to Solana City successfully. After that, she hid in a single-story house in a small village on the outskirts of town, just like a wanted criminal.

She only dared to roam around nearby and only left the house to purchase necessities. Other than that, she didn’t dare to journey too far.

She had no guts to stay at any hotel or inn. She feared that she would be captured by Jasper’s men the moment she showed her face in the city.

Her living condition was akin to a rat living in the sewers. This ignited the fire of hatred within her even more. She couldn’t wait to get her revenge so that she could get out of her current situation.

At nightfall, Betty and Zoe agreed to meet at a quiet café in the suburbs.

When her coffee was served, Zoe caught a whiff of it and pushed it away in disgust.

“What’s this? Horse shit? Is this even drinkable?”

Betty, on the other hand, drank her coffee calmly. “It’s coffee from civet poop.”

“Poop my ass. Just one sniff was enough for me to tell that it was animal poop.

This is just like shit!”

Despite that comment, Zoe still didn’t forget to tease Betty. “It seems like you’ve really turned over a new leaf, Betty. You’re even able to stomach such a disgusting drink. You’re quite adaptable, aren’t you?”

“It’s quite meaningful to be able to experience country life,” Betty commented.

She then took another sip of the coffee expressionlessly.

At that moment, Zoe’s phone rang. She got up and went outside to answer the call.

Betty’s eyes went dim instantly. She bit down hard on her finger until it bled.

dripped a few drops of her

slyly as she stirred the coffee

time she was done, Zoe had returned

know that you deserve more

She pleaded, “I know that you’re reluctant, but could you just have

from a wealthy family. Zoe was pleased to see Betty’s current

was feeling thirsty anyway. Unsuspectingly, she picked up

suppressed her urge to smile. Deep down,

keep things short. I am

last time, they would surely enforce tighter protection over that idiot. Will you have

that Cyrus Taylor is

for this marriage. Even if Javier were to step in,

on dates. They’ll definitely be out on their own, right? We don’t have to

too simple-minded. The Taylors are talented people.

sharper and more conniving than before. “Cyrus Taylor is a cop from the Criminal Investigation Division! You will be kidnapping someone from

have an expert who can help me.” Zoe

expert? Who is

to Betty to come closer.

stop worrying about Landon. So, he found time

in the president’s office

his medication to him. He stuffed the pills

medicine, Landon? Is

taking these pills


rest? Jordan has told me that you barely slept every day. You stay up all night to work. Are you trying to work yourself to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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