Jasper's heart hammered against his ribs, a frantic drum solo threatening to burst through his chest.

He clenched his hand into a fist against the door.

"Why not?" Winston was perplexed.

"Jasper treats you the best.

The relationship between both of you has already stabilized, and you've lived together for so long.

Why don't you just register your marriage? That way, things will get a lot easier once your relationship is legally recognized." Alyssa pressed her lips together lightly.

"A marriage certificate makes no difference for Jasper and I." "How is there no difference? If you ask me, the most realistic way to express one's love is to give their lover a status that no one else can replace!" Winston's gaze was fiery, and he started getting a little emotional.

"The only person I have married legally was your mother.

She is the only one who has a special place in my heart.

She was the only wife I had legally.

Although it has been many years since she passed, her place in my heart has never changed.

She is still my wife! "Right now, people out there will only address you as Ms.

Taylor or refer to you as Mr.

Beckett's girlfriend.

I know that you're very much in love with Jasper.

So, don't you want to be known as Mrs.

Beckett officially? Isn't that what you have been pursuing so hard for?" Alyssa lowered her eyes and remained silent.

"My dear, is it...

because you're still bothered by the fact that you were once divorced from him? Is that still a thorn in your side?" Winston asked in a concerned voice.

Jasper felt his heart wrenching in his chest.

He wasn't sure if Alyssa had gotten over the past hurt, but he knew that he hadn't.

He was insecure, depressed, regretful, and remorseful.

He had once hurt the woman he loved the most.

forgive himself

that had cut him to the

he would never dare to console himself by assuming that

appeared like she didn't care and didn't

"No, Dad.

go of it a

Plus, you know me.

physical pain I go through, but

please don't

reason I'm not thinking about getting married yet is because there's one major issue that

A look of frigidity came across her

won't be in the mood for anything as

eat or sleep with a

isn't taking any action right now because

I know

married will be the straw that

"Just wait and see.

comes, he will definitely strike Beckett Group and

friends and family just because

is like a viper lying in wait in

timing is right, or once he is provoked, he will pounce and deliver a fatal blow

and Lauren have just been through so much

again for now." Upon hearing all these

he fell in awe

far from her level of

intense love for her, all he thought of was to take the

giving her a status and making things up

possibility of Jameson pouncing and tearing them apart mercilessly if he

a secret, there was no doubt that Jameson would have his way of finding

to have a grand wedding this

be a loud declaration that he was marrying

married in secret was miserable

not want her to suffer through


that you'd put so much consideration and

really getting

than me." Winston let out a

this is the case, just go ahead and make

it seems like he's completely

able to run away even if you never ever register your marriage."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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