Chapter 2123

Nicholas felt his heart racing as Jasper's words hit him like a shockwave.

Back when Jameson was still in Kontina, he had already ensnared Nicholas in his schemes.

After years of working for him, Nicholas had forgotten the man he once was—a conscientious, passionate individual.

Just then, a blur of motion caught their eyes—a blade was aimed at Jasper from the side.

“Watch out!"

Nicholas shouted, his eyes widening in fear.

But Jasper reacted swiftly, seizing the attacker's wrist and with a snap, breaking it.

After disarming the attacker, he delivered a kick that sent the latter crashing into a nearby wall, bones audibly breaking.

With each calculated move Jasper made, Nicholas realized his initial impression was far off the mark.

The polished, presumptuous president revealed surprising fighting prowess and a sharp mind.

Nicholas understood he barely knew Jasper.

If a powerful patron hadn't backed Jameson, he wouldn't even be a blip on Jasper's radar.

The dark alley had become a brutal battleground.

Jasper, a charming facade masking a ruthless efficiency, moved with a deadly grace.

Even though an individual's strength was limited, their danger seemed insignificant before him.

One by one, they fell beneath his relentless assault.

Nicholas and Jasper stood back-to-back, bloodied but resolute as they readied themselves for the onslaught.

Jasper's face was streaked with blood, a chilling contrast to his fine features and bespoke suit.

“As I've said, Chief Novak,"

Jasper's voice cut through the chaos like ice.

"Jameson never intended for you to be an ally, merely a pawn.He's been plotting your demise from the very beginning, planning to crush you like a spent cartridge once you're of no use."

Nicholas gritted his teeth, his voice laced with raw frustration.

"You'll never get it! You can't understand what this means to me!"

He clutched his throbbing arm, sweat beading his forehead despite the chills coursing through him.

us is your only

insisted, his

“Way out?"

let out a

even a way out for me anymore? Maybe I

frowned and

if they took down Jameson together, Nicholas would likely

them, the assassins charged at them once

assassins, ever the

the chaos surrounding Jasper, he

his blade flashing in the air as

of strength, Nicholas slammed the leader to the ground and stepped on

out and spat

had proven himself a tough

with a feral intensity as he raised his screwdriver high in the air, poised to strike a fatal

in his eyes, Nicholas resembled the very assassins he

"No! Stop!"

forward to

kill! That's the line we

we have?


I wouldn't have stopped you.But that wasn't

sharp, cutting

he'd say something incriminating if he

Nicholas was stunned.

the screwdriver in his hand

Jasper's firm grip, he would

wail of

the ground, their bodies testament to the

a desperate bid for escape, attempted to flee, only to be tackled and subdued by



Xavier raced toward Jasper, their eyes widening in horror at the sight of

Panic surged through them.

"Mr.Beckett! A-Are you hurt?"

stammered, his

on the

ambulance.They'll be here

his experience with chaotic situations, Cyrus couldn't help

wiped the blood on his cheek with the back

"I'm okay.This isn't mine."

Relief washed over Xavier.

my goodness, thank heavens! Thank


Cyrus exhaled deeply.

don't know what I'd tell Alyssa if something happened

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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