The station captain was under pressure from his superiors because the police officers still couldn't get Nicholas to talk.

When he learned that Alyssa wanted to try negotiating with Nicholas, he decided solving the case was more important than following protocol.

Although Alyssa wasn't a professional negotiator, he made an exception and allowed her to meet with Nicholas for a chat.

Jasper and Cyrus watched Alyssa's confrontation with Nicholas through a one-way mirror in the observation room next to the interrogation room.

Their faces were grim and filled with concern.

In the interrogation room, Nicholas stared emotionlessly at Alyssa.

"Ms. Alyssa, I've confessed everything I need to confess.

I don't think we have anything left to discuss." "Chief Novak," Alyssa began.

"Please don't call me that.

Here, I'm just a cold-blooded murder suspect," Nicholas mocked.

Even as a prisoner, he retained his elegance—decades as an official had imbued him with an air of calmness that wouldn't disappear overnight.

"Alright, Mr.

Novak, then," Alyssa conceded.

Her gaze held warmth and respect.

"I know you didn't end up here because you're evil.

It was because you had no other choice." "You're wrong.

All my decisions were my own," Nicholas insisted.

A corner of his lip twitched.


Alyssa, I only agreed to this meeting because you once saved my wife.

confessed to my crimes and won't elaborate

On the other side of the mirror,

nervousness, Cyrus

"Don't worry, Jasper.

she's doing." Alyssa

placed a report in front of

asked, lowering

reputable institution on the new medication you consider your lifesaver," Alyssa explained

his cold facade

of the mastermind, even committing

it all to save your

you never stopped to think that this so-called ‘research’ for a new medication was a sham from the start," Alyssa continued, her voice calm yet

words pierced through

you mean? What scam?" Nicholas demanded, his jaws

clearly states that the new medication is nothing more

for Alzheimer's,

overdose could even be

people who took

sedatives, it's more

even contains banned components

a new type of drug, not a medication!" The word "drug"

a policeman, drugs

imagined being associated with

shattered his morals


to talk! It's a bluff!" In the

"He's falling for it.

murders are connected to the medication research."

a pawn, clearing obstacles for the mastermind so the 'experiment' can proceed smoothly." "It's a shame a

fixed his gaze on

"That wasn't his intention.

desperate to save his wife." Cyrus

it remains utterly disgusting and infuriating!" "T

deeply implicated

you've had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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