Captivation Want Nothing But You Chapter 109 by Adolf Dunne

Roger and Rachel walked together through all the various stalls set up at the festival. He held Riley in his arms, talking casually as they explored all the sights and different foods. Eversingle dish that fascinated Rachel, he bought for her. Her hands were soon full of various containers and packets, and they’d only visited half of the stalls! While she was enjoying herself, Rachel couldn’t help that she was starting to feel tired.

She stifled a yawn behind her hand and rubbed her eyes. Roger immediately noticed her fatigue. He’d been paying close attention to her the entire time. He shifted Riley in his arms and leaned closer to speak to her so he’d be heard over the crowds. “We’ve been walking forever.

I think it’s time we found somewhere to sit and rest. Don’t you?” Rachel swept her gaze through the milling crowds and nodded. Luckily for them, there was a rest stop every 10 stalls. It wasn’t long until they found one and settled down. Roger put Riley down so his arms could rest, then turned to speak to Rachel. He noticed her face was pale. “Are you tired?” he asked. “Because you look exhausted. I think we should rest here for a while and then I’ll drive you back home.”

Rachel sipped at the orange juice in her hand and watched Riley. The child was looking around curiously, taking in all the different sights around her. Then she looked up at Roger. “When is Dr. Jimenez getting here?” Roger was right, she was tired. She felt like she needed a nap. Because of her pregnancy, she got tired easily and the smell of food sometimes made her feel sick.

She had been fine at first, but the longer she’d stayed at the festival, the more difficult it had become for her to fight against her body. The only thing stopping her from leaving was Riley. She didn’t want to disappoint her. Again, she wondered when she had gotten so soft… It must be because she was pregnant.

If it weren’t for that, she probably would have left already. 1 Roger’s cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment at her question. He dipped his hand into his pocket to brush his fingers against his phone. Right at that moment, it started to vibrate. Someone was calling him. Instead of answering the call, he felt along the side of the phone until his fingers ran over the button on the side. He held it down until his phone buzzed once and turned off.

“My sister hasn’t called me yet. I think there might be an emergency at the hospital… My guess is that she’s going to be stuck there for a little while. I don’t think she will be joining us any time soon.” Roger removed his hand from his pocket and let his arm fall loosely to his side. “If you want to go home, I’ll take you back. Once you’re safe and resting, Riley and I

I said I’d leave

painfully in Roger’s chest. He knew that phone call he’d just received was probably from his sister. But he also knew that

So he’d lied.

the feelings of guilt began to overwhelm him, a vendor started shouting, “Whiskey heart chocolate bar! Get your whiskey heart chocolate bar!” 1 Roger turned his head in the direction of the sound. A smile spread across his face as an idea formed in his head. “Rachel,” he said slowly as he turned back

Riley hopped off the chair and walked shyly up to her. Her little

first time. Rachel got off the chair and crouched down in front of her. “What did you say, Riley?” she asked calmly. Riley’s cheeks went red with embarrassment. She threw her little arms around Rachel’s neck and whispered into her ear,

then scooped her into her arms. “You want to go to the restroom?” Riley raised her head and looked shyly up at Rachel. She blinked her large, dollish eyes and nodded. Rachel gently pinched her cheek. “What are you so embarrassed

about them. Therefore, she went back to the original seat and left a note on

then merged in with the crowds again. But the note was

was knocked out of her hand and spilt all the way down the front of Rachel’s sweater. Rachel hadn’t seen the woman in time to dodge, so the best she could do now was take a few steps back She didn’t even get the chance to say anything before the woman started

Rachel’s sweater. But Rachel didn’t let her. She stepped back with a frown. “No, thank you. It’s alright. I’ll do it myself,” she said in a voice that was a little colder than it should have been. The

Rachel cut her off. She just had the slightest feeling that the entire incident hadn’t been an accident. Rachel quickly studied the woman’s face, but didn’t find anything

muttering to herself the entire time. Riley was now looking up at Rachel in concern. Rachel glanced down at her sweater. Not a lot of the tea had spilt onto it, but it was still enough to ruin the fabric if

She couldn’t go out in public like this. “Riley, can you wait here for me?” she asked sweetly. Riley gave an obedient nod. Rachel tenderly rested her hand on the little girl’s head and said, “Don’t move. Stay right here and wait for me.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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