Captivation Want Nothing But You Chapter 117 by Adolf Dunne

“Hey!” the nurse said in surprise when she saw Victor drag Rachel away. She wanted to stop him, but wasn’t quick enough. Victor completely ignored her. He marched Rachel over to a quiet corner, regardless of the nurse’s protest. Rachel tried to fight against him, but she quickly gave up.

Victor was a strong man, and he was even more so when he was angry. He tugged her to stand in front of him, staring down at her with an expressionless face. But even devoid of a visible emotion, his eyes and presence were still oppressive. Rachel diverted her gaze and looked down at her wrist.

The pale, delicate skin was an angry, glaring red Victor really didn’t know how to treat a lady. “So… The baby’s father is dead?” He squeezed every word out from between clenched teeth. His head throbbed with the effort of trying to keep his temper under control while his eyes bored into Rachel.

Rachel turned her head away to look off to the side; that was when she saw his hand. Victor had very beautiful hands; long-fingered, fair and boney. When she’d still been part of the Red Hackers, everyone had said that Quintin’s hands were lovely. She’s spent hours staring at them, trying to figure out what they meant by that.

To her, they just looked like ordinary men’s hands. Nothing special. Only when she had met Victor had she finally understood what they meant by men having beautiful hands. Because if there was ever a man who had beautiful hands, it was Victor. She believed that they’d be beautiful even when they were caked in mud.

There was just something about his long, elegant fingers that held a note of beauty. But now she could see his delicate bones sharply through his skin, and his fingertips were curved ever so slightly inwards. Evidently, he was trying to hang onto his temper. As beautiful as those hands were, Rachel had a feeling that he wouldn’t hesitate to punch her in the face at any given second.

to break her silence. “I think you misheard me,” she said calmly. “Misheard?” Victor said in an eerily calm voice. “Rachel, have I been too nice to you recently? Don’t forget who you are.” “…” Rachel raised her head and looked directly

the crap. Even with this child, I know you won’t hold back if you lose your temper. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t bear  your child. Even if you were the last man alive on this earth.” If she had known what lengths Victor would go to; if she had known that he’d threaten her with Abby and Andy, and make her life into a living hell, she’d have aborted the child before she

at his heart. If he thought he knew what heart ache was before, he’d

already cold eyes turned icy. He reached forward, gripping her chin tightly, and said in a low voice, “So you’re regretting it now?” Rachel winced at the pain and gripped his wrist. She tried to pry his hand off her, but he was too strong. He barely even seemed

for too long. He knew from experience that the corners of her eyes curved when she smiled… But there was no light in them now. There was nothing but coldness and irritation. He tried his best not to meet her eyes. He just clenched his jaw and tightened

But she didn’t do or say anything more. She just gritted her teeth and stayed silent. Her face was

shake of his head to detach himself from his wild thoughts. Keeping his expression hard and aggressive he ordered, “Answer me!” He hated it when

as the pain in his heart got worse.

hand to his side and stepped away. With a cruel, cold look

to find the woman was already standing beside her. She glanced down at a photo pinned to her clipboard, then up

room. There are other ladies

Victor reached the elevator, someone grabbed him by his upper arm. “Hey! What on earth is wrong with you?” Victor stopped and glanced down at the hand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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