Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 85: Jack's Visit 

In one of the bedrooms of the Sue Garden, Rachel was currently taking a rather disheartening call.

"Boss, I still can't find her."

Quintin's voice came over the phone speakers.

"This is so strange… How is it that a person can disappear so seamlessly?"

Rachel stared down at the mocking words "search failed" that had popped up on her phone screen.

Her eyes unfocused as she looked hopelessly down at them.For the past three days, she'd been staying at the Sue Garden.

She was by no means idle though.She'd been busy.

Busy searching for Abby.She'd expanded the search area and even enlisted Quintin's help.

But still, Abby was nowhere to be found.

Two knocks echoed in rapid succession from the door.

As the sound faded, Lukas said from the other side of the door, "Miss Bennet, I've brought you some fruit."

Rachel didn't reply to Lukas.

All she did was narrow her eyes at the door and carry on speaking to Quintin.

"Broaden the area.Keep searching."

"Sure thing, boss.I have received no other orders of recent so I will do everything in my power to help you find your friend.No stone will go unturned nor corner unchecked."

"Thank you," Rachel said softly.

She was about to hang up the phone when Lukas knocked again and called, "Miss Bennet, are you awake?"

"Yes! I'm awake! Just give me a moment!" Rachel called back loudly.

She clicked the button on the side of her phone to disconnect the call.Then she swung herself out of bed and walked towards the door.

"Boss? Who are you talking to?" Quintin asked in confusion when he heard Rachel talking to someone else.

Before he could speak another word, Rachel disconnected the call.

Rachel opened the door to see Lukas' smiling face.He had a plate of various cut up fruits balancing on one hand.

"Miss Bennet, I see you very much enjoy eating these type of fruits these days.I noticed that you threw up quite a lot at lunch today, so I thought I'd bring you something to eat."

As he spoke, Lukas kept darting glances into the room.

It was obvious he was suspicious.

He'd thought he'd heard someone just now when he'd been waiting outside.

"Miss Bennet, were you speaking to someone on the phone?" he asked as casually as he could.

for a second before she realized he must have heard her speaking to Quintin.She

calmly with a smile, "I was

an air of relief, "I see.But if I may make a suggestion, Miss Bennet? I think it would be wise if you

see," Rachel said

the plate from Lukas.As she took

obviously still

eyes before she quickly forced

something else,

"No, nothing more."

Lukas shook his head.

“Rest well, Miss Bennet."

left without another

he'd disappeared down the stairs before she stepped back into her room and closed the

plate of fruits in her hand

the fruits as an excuse to check that she was staying in

been a servant to the

unobtrusive person who was usually quite content to mind his own business and

been trying to

something strange was going on in her room unless someone had

her phone started

through her thoughts and brought her back to reality She took one glance at the caller ID before she hurriedly answered

your father is here." Andy said

head to look at Jack.The man was sitting in the living

me," Rachel said and put the

an agonizingly long wait, Andy saw a Maybach

was hallucinating, but once he'd shaken his head and squinted his eyes, he realized what he was seeing

back to the Bennet family's house, only to find that neither Rachel

stay at the house.She'd explained that she


the familiar license plate of the Maybach, he finally realized

staying with Victor; and he had a feeling it wasn't

Rachel climbed out, followed

to get

her to greet her, and couldn't help but look over her

saw were


Where's Abby? Why didn't

her hand to dismiss

"As for Abby…"

at the

to remain calm as she said, "I didn't think she'd be much help in

Andy's worry visibly eased.

Bennet, please don't hide

Rachel smiled at him.

know.And I thank

been waiting for you inside," said Andy, jerking a thumb

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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