Captivation Want Nothing But You Chapter 113 by Adolf Dunne

Hated Her The Most

“Looks like you’ve remembered everything,” Victor said with a mocking tone as he walked to her bedside. Though he sounded condescending, his face remained expressionless. Rachel said nothing. She just lowered her eyes and stayed silent. It was indeed true what Victor said; she did remember everything now. This included how he’d saved her… And what he’d frantically said to her when he’d tried to keep her awake.

“Thank you,” she said softly, and then finally, looked up at him. “You don’t have to thank me,” Victor said. His expression remained neutral and relaxed, concealing anything he might have been feeling. “You should be grateful.” This was enough to tell Rachel that whatever he said next was going to be unpleasant.

And she was right. Victor reached out and grabbed her chin, raising her head to force her to look at him. “You should be grateful you’re pregnant with my child, otherwise I would have just let you die.” Rachel’s expression pinched. She easily managed to move her face out of his hand; he hadn’t been holding her tightly.

With a sour smile she said, “Oh I see… You’re not the one I should be thanking then.” Victor narrowed his eyes, gazing coldly at her. “You’re right though; I should be thanking the baby,” Rachel said as she looked into his eyes. “After all, you just desperately want me dead in any case.”  Rachel didn’t notice the shocked expression on Victor’s face when he looked down at her.

At least now he knew what she thought of him. But he couldn’t deny that in some ways, she was right. There had been a time when he’d wanted her dead, and would have done anything to achieve his goal. Now, her words wounded him in a way he couldn’t describe. It felt like a cold, sharp knife had been driven into his heart and was now being twisted and turned, like a type of torture. “… I’m glad you know your place,” Victor said coldly, trying his best to keep the burning pain out his voice and expression.

with cotton wool from the concussion. “Rachel.” She raised her eyebrows in response. She tilted her head to

in through the half-opened window and gently lifted the curtain in a gauzy wave. Rachel waited patiently for him to say something. She kept her eyes locked on him, granting him her full, undivided attention. After a few more minutes ticked by in which he still said nothing, she finally asked in a hoarse voice, “Mr. Sullivan, what else did you want to say?” Her tone was cold, distant, and laced with just a hint

darkened and that cold glimmer in his eyes hardened. “Next time you try and kill yourself, please do so where no one else can see you. Especially me. If you try something like that again, I won’t care if that baby dies with you.” 2 Then he

she finally realized what he’d meant; he thought she’d


If she’d known he was going to be there, she’d have avoided him

have called him back and explained things to him, tried to reason with him, but it was too late now. He was already long gone. Now, confined to the hospital bed, with no way to release her anger, she felt

in hospital for a week. Although it was nothing more than a slight concussion, he’d explained that it was for observation purposes because she was pregnant. The next day, two stone-faced bodyguards appeared to stand vigil at the door of her ward. She knew Victor had sent them. Who else could it be? But she didn’t try and contest. She couldn’t leave the hospital without

It was just to make sure she and the baby were both healthy. After that, she took the tablet Lukas had bought her and went to sit outside on the balcony. She called Quintin and chatted casually with him while she searched the dark

doctor. Without turning around or raising her eyes she said,

Jimenez?” Rachel was in surprise when she saw her. Carla smiled in greeting and said pleasantly, “I know it’s just a concussion, but it’s good that he checks on you so often. The baby seemed a little unstable at one point, so it’s not a bad thing

and checks on me every hour or so. It’s not like I’m going to give birth any time soon.” Clara glanced down at Rachel’s flat stomach before she could stop herself. “You have a point here.” “I know.” Rachel shifted in her chair and closed her tablet. She pushed herself up straighter and then asked, “How’s Riley?” Now that she’d remembered what had happened, she remembered all the events from the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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