Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 94: Clara's Secret

"Of course," Clara lied, looking directly into Roger's suspicious eyes.She casually pursed her lips and said, "I just want to go to the restroom.Wait here with Riley."

"Alright," Roger said with a nod.

Clara smiled warmly at him.

"I won't be long.Don't give Riley anymore candy while I'm gone; wait for me to get back."

She looked between the two of them again then left the children's clothing shop.

As she exited the store, she unconsciously quickened her pace.She hurried over to the cafe where she'd previously seen Rachel.

Rachel was still there.

She was currently drinking a glass of fresh orange juice and checking the weather on her phone.

According to the forecast, it was supposed to stop raining soon.

Finally, she'd be able to continue with her shopping.

Once she'd finished her juice, she set the glass down on the table and gathered her things.

She picked up her shopping bags, and was about to leave the cafe when she noticed a very familiar woman approaching her.

She squinted at her, trying to remember who she was… Then she raised her eyebrows and said in surprise, "Dr.Jimenez?"

"Miss Bennet, it's nice to see you again,"

Clara greeted her.

Rachel smiled at her.

"I didn't expect to see you here.But it doesn't look like you're here to sit down and have a coffee."

Clara had left her bag and phone with Roger.

It was rather obvious she hadn't come here to buy anything.

"Miss Bennet, you're so observant,"

Clara smiled sweetly and looked down at all the bags in Rachel's hands.

"I took Riley to buy some new clothes.I saw you sitting here and thought I'd come and say hello."

She narrowed her eyes and tipped her head towards Rachel's bags.

"Are you shopping alone, Miss Bennet?"

"Sort of," Rachel replied with a blink.

"Are you...Are you leaving now?" Clara asked, starting to sound a little more concerned.

"I am.I've got something else I have to buy at another store," Rachel said with a nod of affirmation.

"I see."

on Clara's face

obvious that Rachel noticed her change in demeanor

only made Rachel

is there something

pretending that it was

"No.What could be wrong?"

and changed the subject, "Miss Bennet, you are carrying so many things.It's not convenient for you to hold them all by yourself, especially  you are pregnant now.I could

more suspicious that

narrowed her eyes slightly, but not

she needn't

had glanced out the window to look at the children's clothing

it from where

little to get a better

was carrying Riley now, and was patiently standing listening to the

Rachel didn't answer, Clara shook her

won't be offended if you decline,

you Dr.Jimenez, I really appreciate it,"

idea why Clara was so eager to know where she was going, and when she'd be

saved her life once, after

and took some of Rachel's bags to help

turned and accompanied Rachel

didn't speak

the gates of the shopping mall, where Clara's

Clara fussed over Rachel.

her get all her bags in the car, and making sure she

road and rejoined the traffic did she finally breathe a sigh of

allowing her thoughts to overwhelm her before she

again and turned to head back


sweet voice reached her ears the

her ribs

standing behind her, holding

He'd seen everything.

could do nothing but stare at them for

say something,


one of the most famous and wealthy neighborhoods, was

has said that the two of you should eat without him.He

up to glance

with this man,

Jimenez said in irritation as she put

he keeps skipping meals because of work, his

up, clicking

shot to her feet when she saw Cynthia was

managed to keep the dark expression off her face as she said, "Let me go talk to

he refuses to come here and eat with us, you can bring his food to his room," Cynthia

Clara smiled and nodded.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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