After raining for the entire day, the rain finally stopped that evening. While Victor was working on the computer, Ivan reported back to him on how Rachel had decided to deal with Olivia, and how she’d put her clever plan into action. Victor scowled at the screen, then looked up at Ivan. “Have you managed to get the earring back yet?”

“Yes, we got it back.” Ivan dug in his pocket and produced a small, transparent evidence bag. He put it on the table for Victor to see. Inside was the earring in question.  He continued to explain with his hands held loosely behind his back.

“The police caught Olivia in a pawnshop just before she managed to sell it. Now the difficult part about convicting her is the lack of evidence. She said she didn’t steal it, but found it. Sadly, there is no surveillance footage we can use as proof to show that she’s lying. If she managed to get legal assistance it’s possible that her lawyer.”

“Well then make the possible into the impossible,” Victor coldly cut in. Ivan blinked rapidly in confusion for a moment and then he said, “Yes, Mr. Sullivan.” “It’s starting to get late. You’d best go home,” Victor said as he leaned down and picked up the small bag Ivan nodded and left the study. Victor left not long after Ivan did. He stepped out the study and closed the door quietly behind him. He stood in front of the door, staring down the corridor towards where Rachel’s bedroom was. After a minute more of hesitation, he went towards her room.

He stopped outside her door and knocked. Rachel had just opened a bag of crisps and lay down on her bed. She was about to get to work on expanding the search area for Abby when she heard the knock. She quickly shoved her tablet under the blankets, so her guest wouldn’t see it and start asking questions. “I’m coming!” she called. She swung her legs out of bed and slid her feet into her slippers. Then she snatched up the bag of crisps and went to open the door.

She’d been smiling beforehand. But as she cracked the door open she recognized the smell of Victor’s cologne. Her smile immediately disappeared. She wanted to close the door, but Victor wedged his foot between it and the wall. “So you’d rather eat junk food all day than the nutritious dishes especially prepared for you? Don’t you know how bad that stuff is for you?” Victor said coldly and snatched the bag of crisps out of Rachel’s hand. Rachel was irritated, she only just opened the bag and hadn’t even had the chance to eat one yet! The force of Victor’s violent tug scattered more than half the bag of crisps all over the ground.

Rachel reached forward and snatched the bag back. “Nutritious dishes? You mean that pig slop I’m expected to eat? I don’t think it would hurt for that stuff to have a little more flavorIt’s disgusting and bland. At least this tastes good.” “Rachel.” Victor said irritably, “you’re living at the Sue Garden because your baby needs to be properly taken care of. I don’t care if the food is bland, you will…” he trailed off as he struggled to control his rising temper. Why did she have to argue about everything?

He gritted his teeth and tried to keep the angry expression off his face. Suddenly, Rachel sneezed. dear reader  He hadn’t even gotten the chance to finish his sentence. He eyed her skeptically, only now noticing how pale she was.

you sick?” he asked with a frown. Rachel rubbed furiously at the tip of her nose to try and relieve the

Victor’s cold hand pressed against her forehead. It was perhaps a little colder than

up at Victor with unhidden surprise. Victor dropped his hand to his side, his face blank. “It’s not good for a pregnant woman to fall ill. I don’t want it to affect my baby. The last thing I need is a child born with some chronic illness because the mother didn’t take care of herself while she was pregnant.”

she would

at Victor in disbelief. “What did you say?” Victor managed to hide the concern he felt when he had seen Rachel’s pale face. He knew he had

what do you want to eat?” Rachel stared up at him, blinking like a deer caught in headlights. She could hardly believe her ears. ‘Since when

whatever I want?” she asked. “Tell me what you want and I’ll decide if you can have it,” Victor answered. Rachel pursed her lips in thought. She glanced at the packet of crisps in

best time of year to eat food like that. The cool night breeze would go perfectly


“Spicy pot.”


eat?’ She folded her arms angrily and glared at him as she said, “You’ve said no to everything. What do you think I should eat then?” Victor frowned. “Rachel, you’re pregnant now, Everything you’ve suggested is unsuitable for a pregnant woman.” Rachel lowered her eyes to the ground and nibbled at her bottom lip. Victor stared down at her thoughtfully, letting silence fill the space between them before he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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