Captivation Want Nothing But You Chapter 135 by Adolf Dunne

‘Victor just kissed me! Why did he do that? How dare he kiss me?’ Everything happened so fast that Rachel couldn’t react. She instinctively wanted to push him away, but it seemed that he felt she was struggling to break free, so he quickly grabbed her arms, and put them behind her back to prevent her from moving Rachel could not make him budge, so it infuriated her.

Unable to do anything else, she bit him. Victor felt the searing pain from his lip, and groaned. His heart raced when he saw the way her eyes became bloodshot with anger. It was at that moment when he realized what he had done to her.

Just now, he couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her. What surprised him even more was the fact that he couldn’t control himself around her. The moment he kissed her, his self-control, which he had always been proud of, was torn apart.

He knew that Rachel didn’t want him, and it displeased him to know that. Victor even did

everything he could to stop her from resisting. ‘What the hell has gotten into me? I should be angry, and staying as far away as I can from this woman as possible! Subconsciously, his eyes fell on her lips. She bit him so hard just now that his lips were now bleeding, and some of his blood had stained her own lips. But for some reason, it made her all the more attractive to him.

Her lips were supple, and had a faint taste of fruit. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, and he could feel himself being aroused. He knew exactly what this feeling was. Victor’s eyes dimmed as he tried to avert his gaze from her lips. Meanwhile, Rachel was heavily panting. ‘What the hell was he trying to do with me?

he kiss me?’ “Let me go!” she said, struggling to break free, regardless of how painful her wrist was. Victor’s fingertips were still moist from the ointment he had applied on her wrist a while ago. The paste

supposed to be disgusted, it should be me!’ Chaotic thoughts raised through his mind, and they further served to infuriate

comes out of a scumbag’s mouth!’ Rachel exclaimed in her head. ‘This bastard has no bottom line whatsoever! He always feels like he has the moral high ground! Rachel could smell the faint odor of blood on her lips. She used her finger to wipe it away, and

of what she had suffered through tonight, she could no longer hold back her anger. “Getting laid for a divorced man is quite difficult nowadays, I see,” she said sarcastically. “I didn’t expect you’d be so thirsty for sex that you’d even kiss your ex-wife just to relieve your desire!”

dropped several degrees. “Get out!” he growled. Without hesitation, Rachel turned around and left. Victor was left sitting there in silence with a complicated expression on his face. He didn’t even glance at his stomach medicine until he heard the door close. Right now, his stomach was aching horribly. What happened just now had

ring. He glanced at the caller ID before answering it and putting the caller on speaker. “What?” Victor groaned. “Mr. Sullivan, will you and Miss Bennet be coming home tonight?” asked Lukas. He clenched the medicine bottle, and after a

before she went out, so that you can have some as soon as you come home.” ‘Hangover soup?’

when he answered. After all. he had been there for him ever since Victor was a little boy. Even if Victor wasn’t in front of

are you alright?” Victor got up and sat on the sofa. He leaned back, put one hand on his

some in Miss Bennet’s car. Before she went out, I told her to bring some along, but I don’t know if she forgot to do so.” ‘So… it really

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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