Captivation Want Nothing But You Chapter 127 by Adolf Dunne

Baby Products Store Victor walked into the cloakroom, and Rachel followed suit. While he was looking at the clothes in display, Rachel sat on the small sofa, gently massaging her calves. Perhaps her legs had grown sore from coming up and down the stairs several times over. ‘I wonder if Quintin is done with the investigation,’ she thought to herself. Rachel’s head was downcast while she was pondering over something when a shadow fell over her.

Afterwards, she heard him say, “Put it on.” She instantly raised her head and saw the clothes in Victor’s hand. Rachel fell silent for a moment, frowning at the expressionless man, and wondering if she could refuse to wear those tacky clothes. Just as she was debating on whether to wear it or not, Victor tossed the clothes onto her and said, “Change into those clothes and meet me downstairs in five minutes.”

With that, he left the room, and closed the door behind him. Rachel stared at the clothes in her arms, clearly displeased. ‘Men’s taste in clothes are seriously weird sometimes. Or maybe he’s messing with me?’ Five minutes passed by in a blur. Rachel did not dare to dilly-dally, fearing that if she were to be a second later, he would get upset and she would have to suffer his wrath.

Once she had changed into the clothes, she hurried out of the room, quickly passing by the mirror, and making sure not to look at herself. After leaving the cloakroom, she drew a deep breath before slowly making her way downstairs. At this time, Lukas had been waiting for her at the stairs. The moment he laid eyes on Rachel, he was stupefied. The sound of his voice was laden with surprise. “Miss Bennet!” “What?” she replied.

“Are you okay, ma’am?” Lukas asked with concern as he examined her face. Rachel was silenced for a moment because of his question. “Not really,” she answered. “Umm…” Lukas was at a loss for words. He had no idea how to comment on Rachel’s attire. He had seen people donned in red and black clothing, or maybe red and greed. But this was the first time he had seen someone dressed in a black and green combination, and definitely not in a good way.

would’ve thought it was winter already. “Lukas, where’s Victor?” Obviously, Rachel preferred not to discuss her

he taking me?’ Rachel turned to the door, and from that distance, she could

the door of the back seat, and opened it for her. As Rachel went down

She thought that maybe it was due to Victor’s cold shoulder, though there were still beads of sweat on her forehead. The bodily temperature of pregnant

could see that Victor was still the same as always; stone cold and stoic. Seconds later, she adjusted her sitting position, and took off her coat. But the second she removed it, Victor glared at her. “Put it back on.” Rachel was speechless. ‘I thought he wasn’t paying attention to me.’ She then glanced at his face, hesitating whether she should endure the heat

recommend you put it on. The weather forecast this morning reported that the temperature will drop dramatically this afternoon.” While he was talking,

got in, the window was raised a bit higher, but there was still a small gap left for ventilation. The

at the coat. After a moment of silence, she decided that it was best to put it on. Throughout the rest of the journey, none of them spoke. Although it wasn’t that tense inside

across the highway for a while. Just as Rachel was starting to feel drowsy, the car finally stopped. The driver opened the door of the backseat and said,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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