Captivation Want Nothing But You Chapter 124 by Adolf Dunne 

Clues Of Abby’s Whereabouts 

For the next three days, Rachel did not leave her room. It seemed that this time, Victor really meant what he said. He even reassigned his personal bodyguards to the Sue Garden. And those men stood guard at Rachel’s door 24 hours a day. Knock! Knock! Knock! From outside her door, Lukas said, “Miss Bennet, I’ve brought you some food.” Rachel blinked to alleviate the soreness of her eyes, caused by staring at the ceiling for too long, and shouted, “I’m not hungry, Lukas!” “Ma’am, are you okay in there?” Lukas asked, feeling a bit worried. “Are you feeling any discomfort?

Would you like me to call you a doctor?”. “No, it’s okay. I’m fine.” Having said that, she closed her eyes to relieve the dryness of her eyes. All sorts of thoughts raced through her mind. 3 Lukas said something to her from outside the door, but Rachel didn’t hear him clearly. She just gave him a vague answer, and then it became quiet again. All of a sudden, she heard her phone buzzing on the bedside table. Slowly, she opened her eyes and reached for her phone.

On the screen, she saw a message from an unknown number. Nothing else was written on the message other than a dot. This dot was her secret communication method with Quintin. Rachel sat upright, unlocked her phone, and opened her browser. Afterwards, she quickly input a series of letters on the search bar, and the page soon changed. Q: Hey boss, why haven’t you been online lately? King of Hearts: Something happened. What’s up?

Have you found any clues about the person I asked you to investigate? Q: Actually, I have a question. Is this person even real? Who on earth is she? Is she important or something? I’ve done everything I can, and hacked into all sources of information I can hack, but I still couldn’t find any clues about her.

doesn’t really exist?’ Quintin said to himself. ‘After all, the boss did spend three years in prison. Perhaps she had developed some sort of mental problem in there? But I can’t ask

Quintin. She had searched every possible place Abby could’ve been locked up, but it led to no avail. Q: Boss, if this Abby really exists,

the Crown Club, and I’ve even ran a background

no trace of Abby left if she’s still alive?’ As Rachel stared at the message Quintin had sent her, something occurred to her. “Quintin, let me ask you a question. Where would you go if you want to erase any trace that you exist?

were created by them. It was based on the Skynet system, but much more improved. No matter where a certain person was, whether in the wilderness or at home, as long they show any sign of activity, the system would be able to

wanted to avoid the detection of the system, there was only one

that could avoid the detection system.” While he

prison. Both of them sent the same message at the same time. Quintin took a deep breath as he stared at those words on the screen. “Boss, who is this Abby? And who hid her? If she was really hidden inside a prison, whoever did so must’ve learnt

Abby about the legend of King of Hearts. He told her of how King of Hearts hid a living person to

within a faraway prison. Never did Rachel imagine that someone would emulate her methods. King of Hearts: Check all the prisons within Apliaria, and all the nearby cities as soon as possible. If she’s really hidden within a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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