Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 14: The Servants Are Gone 

Rachel blinked, "Of course it was Mr.Guzman who asked me to get up."

Trevor nodded eagerly.

"Yes, it really was me."

"You…" the boxer frowned in disbelief and looked like he wanted to ask more questions, but Rachel didn’t give him the chance.

"Mr.Sullivan said that I am free to leave as long as Mr.Guzman forgives me, right?"

"Of course I forgive you! You may go now," Trevor said hastily, before the boxer could respond.

If he could, he would have jumped out of bed and open the door for Rachel himself.If he had known how ruthless Rachel was, he would have never provoked her wrath from the very beginning.

Her angelic beauty had thrown him off, though.

He now regretted ever crossing her.

"Alright then.Mr.Guzman, take good care of yourself.I hope we never see each other again," Rachel said indifferently as she walked towards the door.

Seeing that the boxers didn’t move to stop her, she left the room under the curious gazes of the doctors and nurses.

After she had put some distance between her and her former captors, she furrowed her eyebrows tightly and took three deep breaths.

She looked around her to make sure no one was coming after her and then, she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes.

A nurse passed by and when she saw Rachel sitting on the ground, she stopped and asked kindly, "Miss, are you okay? Do you need help?"

Rachel opened her eyes and looked up at the nurse.

"Can I borrow your phone, please? I need to make a call," she asked in a low voice.

Once she was safely back home.

Rachel sat on the sofa with a warm towel thrown over her knees.

She looked at the maid standing in the corner of the room, waiting for further instructions, her eyes downcast.

"Do you need me to change your hot towel, Miss Bennet?"

The maid raised her eyes and looked at Rachel timidly as she asked the question.

"No, thanks."

Rachel threw the hot towel into a basin besides her feet.

all the

men.They- they said that you wouldn’t come back, and that since Mr.and Mrs.Jenkins weren’t here either, those that stayed here would have a


of the sofa.She felt exhausted, which was not surprising, considering she had barely slept these past

some rest while being kept prisoner, forced to kneel on the

thought that she could finally rest when she returned home,

servants were gone and she had to do something about

one maid left in

bold enough to steal some valuables as

their own things and

me.Even if I followed the other servants to work for them, I am pretty

lowered her head quickly,

As you said, you are clumsy.Why should I let you stay, if you are not fit for the job?" Rachel

looked up in fear and

squeaked, "I’m- I’m

that Rachel didn’t have

such a short time.You may

after she had finished her sentence and Andy came in carrying a bag with medical

Rachel had borrowed that nurse’s phone back in the hospital, she had called

was in so

the hospital and saw her,

the car and he dropped her off at the house before he went

return to your work," Rachel told

girl nodded and started walking towards

something occurred to

asked, stopping

answered, looking even more

Abby breathed a sigh of relief

and started laying

the pain.This is an ointment that prevents the wound from getting inflamed.And this one can help with bruises, making them heal quicker, you know.This pill here is an antibiotic, so your wounds

lying on the sofa


of bruises and you look on the verge of collapsing.What happened to you in those past three

heavier and heavier, and Andy’s voice sounded

rest for a while," she said in a hoarse voice, He moved his lips, wanting to say more, but seeing that Rachel was already half asleep, he

room and went to the kitchen to find Abby and

shaken awake by Abby a

offered to help Rachel to her bedroom so

sleep was disturbed, but when she saw the concern in

an eye on her, especially when she saw

up and went to her bedroom.She didn’t open her eyes until eight o’clock in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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