Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 7: Trespassing 

Jack hadn't spoken a word since Rachel came in.And now, the first sentence he said to her were to make her stop.

Upon hearing that, Rachel looked at him with a sneer.

Moments ago, when Alice threw that vase at her, Rachel noticed that Jack wanted to stop Alice, but eventually he sat back down and did nothing.

But when the vase hit Alice, making her knock down the shelf by accident, he stood up faster than everyone else.

He rushed to Alice's side, shielding her from the falling glass bottles.

As a matter of fact, when Rachel was on her way here, she recollected every memory she had of the past.

Everything happened so fast and was so overwhelming, so she thought she might've forgotten something nice about Jack.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember anything good her father had ever done for her.

Both Jack's words and actions just now confirmed her point.

"Dad, I just have some questions to ask the police officers.Why are you so nervous?"


After hearing what Caroline said earlier, the policemen felt that Rachel was looking to cause trouble.

One of them asked impatiently, "What is it?"

Rachel looked at him, smiling and looking so pure.

When the policeman saw her innocent smile and charming eyes, he began to doubt whether she had really hurt someone.

"Sir, does the owner of a house have the right to allow and prohibit anyone to enter their house?" Rachel spoke unhurriedly.

The sound of her voice sounded like music to their ears.

"Of course."

The policeman frowned because he found the question meaningless.

"What if someone is living in a house, but the owner has never agreed to letting them live there? Is it called trespassing? Should the owner call the police on these people?"

Rachel blinked innocently.

owner should call the police.Why are you asking such questions

police's patience had

her fingers and said, "Thank you for your answer, sir.In that case, please help me drive these people away from my home, and my

Everyone was dumbfounded.

first to realize what Rachel

problem with me and Alice, but you need to stop this.If you have any grievances and complaints, just let me know and I promise you we'll adjust our behaviors accordingly.And as for what happened this time, I'll ask Alice to apologize to you, okay? These policemen must be very

about what Alice has done, but she'll have to wait her turn, okay?" said

talking, and it

Alice lost her

right to kick us out of here! If there's someone that should be driven away, it should

saying that, Alice said to the police, "This woman was no longer part of our family a long time ago.Weren't

That's enough! Your father owns this house, and Rachel is your

to stop her daughter from


idly by and watch Rachel walk all over me like that? Look at me! I'm injured! The second she

been trying to suppress his anger since Rachel

he had seen his wife, and daughter being pushed around,

the hell out of my house! You're not

words rang in


emotions somehow felt a bit strange

think about it, Alice reached out to grab her wrist,

Rachel's eyes darkened.

to grab Alice's wrist


Alice bellowed.

sound of cracking bones signified that

"Rachel Bennet!"

Jack growled.

The policemen's faces darkened.

Rachel would attack others in front of them! The

go of Alice's wrist,

she turned to the police and asked, "Sir, you saw what just happened, right? She tried to attack me,

her wrist! That's excessive use of

policemen walked forward, intending

a lesson, it would bring shame to his honor as a police officer!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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