Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 12: Seek Justice For Mr. Guzman

Victor put away his phone, stood up, and stated, “Fine. Let’s go.”

Ivan was stunned by Victor’s response.

‘Why doesn’t he seem surprised that Mr. Guzman had gotten injured?

What’s more, Mr. Guzman and Miss Bennet were in the same room thirty minutes ago, and there’s no one else around. It’s easy to figure out that she’s the one who injured him.’

“Are we going to the hospital?” asked Ivan.

“I’ve sent the new contract to your email. Print it out tomorrow, and review it before sending it to our partner.” Victor left the room without even answering Ivan’s question.

A new contract?

What new contract?

With a frown, he took out his phone and opened his inbox. And as expected, he received an email five minutes ago.

Upon opening the email, Ivan was dumbfounded.

This was…

The contents of this new contract was exactly the same as the one they had asked Trevor to sign tonight. However, one minor detail was changed: Party A. It was no longer Trevor’s company, but it was now one of the biggest suppliers for foreign markets. This supplier had no lack of customers, and it mainly targeted foreign markets. Back when this project was launched, Ivan had once contacted this same supplier, but they rejected his proposal, making it clear that they had no intention of entering the domestic market.

At the time, Ivan formulated several plans to convince the supplier, but he never succeeded.

But now, Victor managed to close a contract with the supplier for the next quarter unbeknownst to anyone.

At this moment, Ivan had an epiphany. Everything soon became clear to him.

Victor had never intended to cooperate with Trevor from the very beginning!

Ivan looked at his email, and then glanced at Victor’s back. For some reason, seeing his boss sent shivers down his spine.

all these years of working for Victor, Ivan thought that he knew his boss well. But now, he realized that he didn’t know

Victor was far more terrifying than he had

was still one thing that Ivan could not figure

cooperate with Mr. Guzman, then why

was walking farther and farther away, Ivan decided

Ivan than finding a needle in a

behind Victor’s attendance at the party wasn’t as complicated as Ivan

the appointment, he received the results of the investigation regarding Trevor’s background. It was only then that Victor knew that Trevor’s company was not really prosperous as it seemed. In reality, two years ago, their

proved to Victor that Trevor did not

as its partner to fill in his company’s losses for the past two

reading the report regarding Trevor’s background check,

that was the reason he attended the party;

of cooperating with Trevor, he thought that Victor would leave the club

followed Victor to the private room

this moment, all the lights in the room were


to the hospital, but residues of his blood could still be seen on the gray carpet. The air in the room wasn’t able to circulate well, so the scent of blood was still

dozen uniformed bodyguards were standing in the room, and their eyes fell

on duty for tonight rushed here as soon as he

both. Even if a person looked ordinary, they could be a big shot who could turn

imagined that something this horrible

the Crown Club would be put in turmoil, not by some

who Trevor was, the manager’s face turned pale. Right now, he wished that he was the one sent to the hospital instead of

live in the city, Apliaria, all-year-round, he was still a well-known domestic supplier, and he was one of the best in the country. He was definitely not someone they could

of this was enough to drench the manager’s back with

swept her eyes across the bodyguards in the room, sat on the sofa, and

vibe Rachel exuded was hard to ignore. She

injured Mr. Guzman? Was she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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