Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 212: Need Woman’s Protection

Seeing that Victor’s fist was mere inches away from landing on his face, Roger raised his arm to block it at the last second. “Mr. Sullivan, don’t you think it’s inappropriate to fight in public? A street fight like this one might damage your reputation,” said Roger. Victor hit his arm hard. The pain made Roger stumble backward and take a deep breath. With nothing but intense hatred in his eyes, Victor pushed forward to throw another punch. “Cut the crap!

Roger Jimenez, if you really are the tough man that you pretend to be, then stop blabbering and fight me!” Anticipating Victor’s next move, Roger easily dodged the incoming uppercut. Realizing that Roger was avoiding an altercation at all costs, Victor paused and asked with disdain, “What’s the matter, weakling?

Don’t you have the guts to beat your opponent? I guess you really do need a woman’s protection.” “Fights can’t solve every problem, Mr. Sullivan. You should know that by now since you have been the most powerful man in Apliaria all these years.” With his dignity and relationship on the line, Roger became dead serious. He wasn’t affected by Victor’s mind games and insults.

“I don’t need a woman’s protection, but I definitely won’t put the woman I love in a dilemma, even if it means not fighting you.” Roger’s reasoning behind his words was obvious. If the two of them fought, Rachel would surely be in the middle of all the drama and gossip. Moreover, her public image was at stake here. To the onlookers, they were two rivals battling for a woman’s heart.

To make matters even more complicated, the ship was fully occupied by the wealthiest and most powerful families in Apliaria. Two high-profile men fighting for a beautiful woman was the most favorite gossip of all. If they were to engage in a fistfight right now, people would inevitably spread nasty rumors about Rachel. After getting off the ship at the end of their trip, the news would eventually spread in all circles of society.

as the once-married woman who owned the hearts of two men. Or maybe they would gossip about what a deceitful woman she was to string

out of fighting like thugs on a ship filled with spectators. He didn’t want Rachel to be involved in such

intensified as he glanced at Rachel and asked, “She’s the woman you love?” “That’s right. I love Rachel, and i’ll do whatever it takes to make her mine,” Roger said bluntly. He walked up to Rachel’s side and looked straight at Victor. Clenching his fists in bitter rage, Victor glowered at Roger menacingly. Shifting his gaze to Rachel, he asked cautiously, “What about you? Do you love him?” Sensing Victor’s oppressive aura, Roger quickly inserted

months, right? Now that you two are not legally married, who she wants to be with is not your concern. So if I were you, I’d back off and leave her be.” “Step aside and get lost!” Victor shouted in a low voice. Instead of following Victor’s order, Roger stood his ground and continued to shield Rachel

throbbed, and his growing rage couldn’t be suppressed for much longer. In a matter of seconds, he strode forward and grabbed Roger forcefully by his collar. “This matter is between her and

back a couple of steps. Realizing that the situation was

everything, Roger.” “Rachel…” When Roger heard her ominous statement, an inexplicable sense of uneasiness arose in his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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