Captivation Want Nothing But You Chapter 196 by Adolf Dunne

Chapter 196 The Note

An hour later Standing next to her bedside, Victor looked down at Rachel with mixed emotions on his face. Victor was feeling very nervous ever since he got the call from the bodyguard. For the past three days, he barely slept a wink. During the daytime, he stayed in the company and, at night, he would go to the hospital. He would usually just spend his nights sitting quietly in his car and look at Rachel’s ward from the parking lot.

He would watch the lights in the ward turn on at night and off in the mornings. Every thirty minutes, the doctor would report back to him her condition so he knew right away what she was eating and that she had vomited in the past three days. He knew all about her fitful sleep and that she had lost five pounds in the last three days.

He wanted to charge up those stairs to go up and see her several times, but every time he made the move to go up to see her, he would stop himself. He knew very well that she was right. He no longer had any valid reason to make her stay with him now.

“The guard told me you wanted to see me.” Victor was the first to break the silence between them. “I want to see her,” Rachel said and lifted her head to look at him. They both knew right away who she was referring to. “I wasn’t there for her when she died.

daily latest chapters only  At least, allow me to see her for the last time.” Scared that he wouldn’t readily agree, Rachel added this last part. 1 “You are not in the right shape to leave the hospital right now,” Victor said in a low and rough voice.

“Have the doctor and nurse accompany me. I can also take care of myself.” Rachel pursed her lips. “If you’re scared that I’ll take this opportunity to run away, you can join me, or send more men to watch my every move. Besides, even if I wanted to get away, I can’t in this state, right?” She chuckled bitterly.

her chuckle made Victor’s heart ache in his chest. “I just want to say my final goodbyes,” Rachel went on to say. After a long pause, Victor looked over at her and said, “Alright.” He didn’t want

Rachel left the hospital escorted by a group of medical staff and

the funeral home. In fact, such a place was not appropriate for recovering patients to come to. But Victor knew that there was nothing he could do to talk Rachel out of this.

a crystal coffin in the center of the room as soon as she walked inside. Lying inside the crystal coffin, Abby’s eyes were closed and she looked very peaceful. She donned a beautiful and colorful dress and her face was lightly made up with gauze on her forehead. She

offered to take her shopping to buy her new clothes, but she refused. “But I already have clothes. Look, they are still good! You don’t have to waste any money on

insisting that she didn’t need to buy anything for her, so Rachel had no other choice but to eventually give up. But Rachel was planning to buy new clothes for her after she

that Abby would only wear

crystal coffin and looked down at her friend carefully. Seeing the wounds on Abby’s arms, Rachel reached out to gently touch the wounds as if she was afraid of hurting her. “Abby, are you in pain?” Her voice was soft and gentle. Rachel lovingly stroked the

sorry. I said I would be there to protect you. This is all

words Rachel spoke, the hoarser her voice was. In the end, she became choked with sobs and couldn’t say another word. “Abby, I am here to take you home.” When the

his coat around her shoulder, Victor said, “This will take some time. You can head to the lounge to wait


me countless times with her life. Now that she is gone, do you want to use her remains as well to force me

Their eyes locked in an intense stare for a long time. He was the first to break eye contact. Holding back the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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