Captivation Want Nothing But You Chapter 200 by Adolf Dunne

Chapter 200 Two Conditions

Noticing the invitation in his hand, Rachel was a bit surprised. She didn’t want to assume anything, so she went ahead and asked, “Do you have some time? I want to discuss something with you.” Looking into her eyes, Victor just nodded slightly, waiting for her to continue speaking. “I heard that there’s this cruise tour.” “Do you want to come?” Victor immediately asked. Rachel nodded and explained, “Although I’m not one of the biggest shareholder of Bennet Group right now, it’s still my family’s business.

I have just taken over Bennet Group, so by convention, I should attend the events organized by the Chamber of Commerce.” Victor still remained silent, looking at her intently as if trying to read her mind. In the past recent years, Rachel rarely showed up in public, and all kinds of unexpected accidents also happened during those few times she attended social events. Now that she took the initiative to ask if she could attend such a formal event, Victor felt a bit strange.

He was trying to determine what her real motivation was. “If you are worried that I will use that opportunity to escape from you, then you can refuse,” Rachel remarked nonchalantly. Victor could sense the calmness and indifference in her tone, as if she didn’t really care if she could come or not. She looked like a rose with its thorns removed, deprived of its unique beauty. Victor’s heart suddenly ached at the sight of her gloomy face.

Finally, he agreed, “You can come. But I have two conditions.” Rachel’s brows raised, curious as to what Victor would say. “What conditions?” Out of the corner of his eye, Victor saw Lukas who was about to bring in the warm milk. Then, he said, “First, drink the milk and have a good sleep.”

pursed her lips and said, “Okay. What’s the other one?” But instead of answering her, Victor took the warm milk from Lukas and put it on the table in front of

it up, “Can you tell me now?” After putting the glass down, she looked up at Victor. “Alright. I will let you come, but you can’t leave my sight at all times.” Before Rachel could speak, he added, “If you can’t promise that, then I won’t allow you to come.” Upon saying that, he tightened

silence, absorbing what Victor just said. Just when Victor thought that she would give it up,

be heard from the almost empty surroundings from time to time. Knock! Knock!

footsteps heard from the inside, and the door was eventually opened slightly. “Ali…” The woman standing outside couldn’t even finish saying the name of the person who opened the door when she saw her appearance. When she was about to speak again, the person inside suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled

room was in an extremely messy state, and the installed furniture was so old-fashioned. In just a glance, one could tell that the entire room looked shabby. “Alice, why are you living in a place like this? This is no

look at Alice, she saw that the latter was looking through the rusty cat’s eye on the door, completely ignoring her question. “Alice, I’m talking to

her vicious eyes. “Alice, what on earth…” But eventually, Alice regained her senses and realized that she was overreacting.

she looked at the room. She wondered why Alice would decide to stay in this place for days. The area was in a remote vicinity, and one didn’t even need

sat down on the sofa, shook her head, and said, “Forget it. I’m just afraid that those people will come to me and force me to pay the debts. This is only temporary.” “Alice…” Caroline looked at Alice, her eyes filled with concern. She patted her head and

go someplace where they might have a hard time finding her. After everything that happened, they had been struggling and having a hard time. Then, Alice removed Caroline’s hand on her face

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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