Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 450: He Died 

"How so?"

Rachel asked Joey as she tucked him in.

Joey shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"I’m stumped, too.I simply know it."

"Joey, do you want to stay in bed for a little longer? I’ll see the doctor and pick up some oatmeal.So that you have something to eat when you wake up."

Rachel was unable to explain to Joey tirat he was correct and that Victor’s life was in danger, so she was forced to shift the subject.

Joey’s arm began to hurt as the anesthesia wore off, and he grimaced.

"Mommy, it’s painful!" Joey said.

"I cannot find any sleep."

Rachel felt bad for Joey after seeing his pallid face.

"Okay, I’ll blow it for you.Just put up with it.It will only hurt for a while."

"Mommy, you haven’t made any promises yet."

Joey blinked his eyes and shifted the conversation back to it again.

After some hesitation, Rachel said, "I’ll record a video for you later."

Joey grinned for the first time since he woke up when he heard Rachel’s promise.

"Mommy, please assist me in blowing it out so it stops hurting."

After the anesthesia had worn off, Joey was in so much agony that his eyes grew crimson, yet he refused to shed a single tear.

Rachel had no choice except to softly console him as she stood by him.

Joey eventually slept off after some time, probably because he was exhausted or numb from the discomfort.

Rachel walked out of the ward around four o’clock in the morning.

The hallway of the ward was quite dim.

at the nursing station couldn’t keep their

day, Rachel

her body, she could sense that it was urging her to go to

not about

The doors of the elevator gently slid

reached the floor where Victor was receiving

door remained locked and the red

"Miss Bennet."

doors open, Lukas turned around and spotted


exchanged a gaze.She could see the white hair on his temples at a



Lukas inquired with concern.

Mr.Sullivan; I didn’t go visit

worn off and his arm started hurting.He just

"That is good news."

a sigh of relief, Lukas’


a little later since I

could grin, but he

came, I saw Mr.Jimenez and


the procedure

you need a rest? You’re not in such good shape either," Lukas

all right.Right now, a look will do me

turned to

pray that Mr.Sullivan comes

silent as she

bench with his head down and his elbow resting on his

hurt, Lukas advised her to take a seat

attention to her if she insisted on

she didn’t say no.She nodded before taking a seat on the

said, "It’s been sixteen years since he spent that much time in

was taken aback.She finally figured out to

Sixteen years ago… 

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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