Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love!

Chapter 36: 36. First Kiss?

Akshu's PoV

I never expected him to come to me like a ball from a wall. He pulled me out of the pool dodging all my protests and carried me to his room. I won't lie, I enjoyed every second in his hands. He was getting wet from me. I mean his dress was getting wet!

I could feel his muscles bulging under his shirt. But I am angry. He always takes up so much advantage on me but yet denies everything. I don't know what I said triggered him this time. My stupid heart is melting in his hands but my mind tells me to jump out and run in the opposite direction for he is disrespecting my feelings in every instance. But I know, I can't do that. After all, I know his concern for me. Something is stopping him.

He gave me his clothes to change. My heart made somersaults in happiness. Being in the same room as his and getting to wear his clothes, I already feel like his wife. But I put on an act like I'm totally disinterested. Yeah. I have to take care of my image, you know. I felt an irritation on my stomach where they have stitched the wound. I reacted to it and he ran to my side. I said it's my wound that hurts. I saw a true guilt in his face as he apologised again. Poor him!

WAIT! What? He wants to see my boo-boo? My wound that was on the side of my stomach? He wants me to lift up my shirt for him? No way.

I felt too shy to show him my privates. Hey, don't look at me like that. Anything that is covered in clothes are my privates, alright. But he yelled at me saying he is not a pervert. I can never think of him like that. He is not like that, at least not to me. He mistook my shyness for reluctance.

But then something struck my mind. I mistook his shyness for reluctance? He went rigid because he was shy? I thought he didn't want me. He pushed me away because I was comparing myself with his flings? I want to make it up for him. I wanted to tell him that I am not thinking any low of him.

I picked up his clothes and went to the restroom to change. I took off all my clothes and wore his t-shirt and pants. Just them. I felt totally weird. The scent on his shirt just reminds me of him. It's like hugging him naked. I am having these wild imaginations still inside the restroom. I don't have trust in myself. I stayed in the room to gather up courage to open the door.

"How long? Are you ok? Do you need any help?" he started knocking on the door.

"I don't want your help. You go out. and close your eyes. I will go home by myself." I shouted from inside.

"Pch! Don't play around, Shia! Come out!" His voice rang in warning.

"Close your eyes." I insisted.

"How will I dress you if I close my eyes?" he said. I don't know what he felt when he said that. He may have said that with true concern. But my filthy mind was picturing him actually dressing me up!

"Dress my wound, you mean?" I asked him to reconfirm. This sentence was making weird butterflies in my tummy.

to open the lock from outside. Just open up, Shia!" I think I stayed here very

feel weird wearing

he think of me? Am I not a grown up girl with dangerous love hormones running wild all over me? He thinks I am

I feel shy to come out in front of you." I whisper yelled

nothing out. Did he go? Cha, wasteland, No romantic ideas. Did he really have so many girls

standing straight in

Yadav's PoV

I thought you went away." she said without raising her eyes to look at me. She looked so sexy in my clothes. My t-shirt sliding on one of

slowly to the bed. I made her sit down and went to get my first aid box. She never looked up at me once

shirt." I told her ever

I got carried away! I caressed her stomach with my fingers and she closed her eyes

her old bandage and cleaned the wound. I put on new dressing and pulled her shirt down. She let out a long breath which made

you in your home." I said,

call me to do every dirty stuff on her. But she is to be handled gently in a more appropriate situation. I left her and went out

to her and carried her bridal style. She buried her face on my

If you want to come there, give me a call. I

she said holding my hand.

mom?" I asked her. It is not safe

is not home

when she is here.

and get your dress."

killing me. I don't want to do something today that I will regret later.

trying to get out

in. I won't eat you." she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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