"He may have been pitiful before, but does that mean he's still pitiful now?" Mr. Jasper remarked. "That was the old Nash. Now, he's in control of the York Corporation. Even though we're abroad, just look at how much sway Nash holds in Jasper city. Can you imagine William being able to say more than a couple of words?"

Mrs. Jasper was also speechless and began to cry again. "Are we just going to stand by and watch Stella suffer? I might as well suffer for her!"

Stella was their daughter, and they would do everything in their power for her. However, Mr. Jasper still had to consider the entire Jasper Corporation, with a bunch of people relying on him. He could not just ignore them. He had to think long and hard about it.

At the police station, Nina had already given her statement. The voice recorder had been verified as genuine. There was no such thing as a perfect crime in this world. Even if Stella erased the surveillance footage and tried to make it seem like no one knew, evidence would still be found if foul play was involved.

And indeed, the truth was quickly revealed. Stella's driver had sabotaged the surveillance. Once the driver was brought in for questioning, everything came to light. Stella nearly broke down sitting in the interrogation room, screaming for a lawyer and to see her parents!

Nina had done what needed to be done, and now she was not concerned about what would happen to Stella next. She would receive the punishment she deserved. Throughout the process, Nash had been by her side. At one point, Nina even suggested he was tired after a long day and did not need to stay up so late with her.

Naturally, Nash did

delve deeper. Instead, he continued to take care of her in every way he could By the time everything had wrapped up,

able to relax, Nina started to feel the exhaustion creeping in. Her head was spinning, possibly because pregnancy had made her body more susceptible to fatigue. She rubbed her temples, and when

you insisted on handling it yourself. Sit for a

and turned to Nash. "Thank you for staying with

You've suffered because of this." His tone turned cold. "As for Stella's matter, I'll handle it. She'll pay twice the price

lowered her head and said lightly, "Do you know why Stella targeted me? She knows

what?" Nash's expression remained cold. "Even if the whole world knows, it's not a reason to harm

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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