"Michelle, who does this Nina think she is? Daring to defy you like this, she's really overestimating herself," Michelle's follower whispered in her ear. "Not giving you face, isn't it making everyone in the office laugh at you? You have to show her who's boss!" Michelle's lackey fanned the flames.

"I won't let her off easy!" Michelle marked this down, her eyes turning fierce. "I'll make her obediently help out, and she'll have to come begging to me!"

This time, Nina took the company car out. Angel, on the other hand, seemed pleased, saying, "Nina, how could you stand up to Michelle like that? Besides the chief editor, everyone here treats her with special care."

Nina drove the car out, saying, "I didn't stand up to her, I just spoke the truth. I don't want to offend anyone."

"But you've already offended her," Angel said. "She'll definitely target you in the future."

She knew Michelle's personality. While not everyone would try to curry favor with her, they also wouldn't refuse her. If Michelle set her sights on someone, she wouldn't make things easy for them!

Nina added, "No one stays on top forever. Someone like her, who's currently in the limelight but doesn't treat others well, making enemies everywhere. Once she falls from grace, everyone will want to kick her while she's down."

At the end of the day, Michelle was a bit snobbish and valuing only benefits. She only treated those who could benefit her with kindness. As for genuine friends, she had none. Once they were of no use to her, they would be cast aside.

going to the orphanage

reimbursement, as a form of charity," Nina said. "I guess there might be a big move. Maybe the orphanage project won't just be on the public account but also on a variety show or an important

again, "Did you get the

know if it's correct in a couple of days." Nina simply inferred the intention of the leader and guessed subconsciously. It was also possible that she guessed wrong. She just felt that the chief

of charity. If it was featured on a TV program, there would be a large audience. If the segment was made more emotional, it could leave a positive impression and

social issues while doing variety shows, evoking empathy from the audience, might have a different effect. This was Nina's idea, though she was unsure if it was the station's idea too. It took just over twenty minutes to drive to the orphanage. But even before Nina got out of the car, she could hear crying. Half of the rusty gate of the

surprise, "Nina, is the orphanage really in such a bad state? The facilities here seem like they've regressed twenty

have time to explain and got

director was comforting them. "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll protect you, you will not be harmed by

over ten years, had a hole torn in it. Her hair was disheveled, and

Nina walked over and asked, "What happened? How did it end up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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