Chapter 186 I Just Want To Get Laid

“Don’t worry. I’m not hurt, and Mr. Tristan isn’t either,” Sophie muttered, exasperated by Arius’ childishness. “I don’t care where you are right now, but come to the hospital instantly. One of my friends is injured.”

“Okay, I got it. I’ll go to the hospital right away. Don’t panic. As long as I’m there, nothing’s a problem. Ask Mr. Tristan to drive slower. It’s fine if he dies, but I’m not going to let him off the hook if you’re injured.”

“Arius, I hope you’ll have the courage to repeat this in my face later.”

Indeed, Tristan was gradually becoming more and more childish around Sophie. It was mainly because Arius was someone special to Sophie, so he could not actually hurt him, for Arius mattered a lot to Sophie.

Otherwise, he would have murdered Arius countless times by then. The other man was simply annoying. Hence, Tristan mulled over how he was going to get Sean to make arrangements and teach the annoying man a lesson later.

“Sophie, he’s threatening me!” Arius complained.

Sophie was speechless, so she just hung up the call.

Arius gasped when he heard the telltale sound of the call being ended.

“Holy cr*p, Sophie! What kind of attitude is that? How can you do this to me? This is too much!” Arius was not amused.

What did I do wrong? Am I not the most important person to Sophie? How can she do this to me because of this evil man? This is too much! She’s crossing the line! I’m never going to believe in her words anymore.

Arius was heartbroken, but the moment Sophie appeared at the hospital with Sunny, he had gone back to his normal state.

“Sophie, is he your friend?” Arius looked at the young man from head to toe.

“Yes. His hand is injured. He’s a drummer, so his hands are important to him. You’d better take a good look at it.” Sophie pushed Sunny over to Arius.

“All right. Leave this to me. As long as I’m the one on this case, these hands, even if they were broken, can be fixed and will be as good as new,” Arius reassured confidently.

Sunny knew that he was not as popular as his leader. Seeing that the man in front of him was Sophie’s friend, he went ahead and introduced himself, “Hello, I’m Sunny.”

“Sunny, let’s go. I’ll take you to do a checkup now.”

“Sophie, you should go back first. I’ll send your friend home once I’m done with his treatment.”

“Okay. Don’t be mean to him.”

Both were speechless, and Sunny mused, Do I look like I’m an easy target?

“Sophie, can you not think of me as a monster?” Arius grumbled. Do I look like an evil man who is interested in minors?

dare to do anything nasty.” Tristan

go of her, Tristan. Don’t touch her! I have to worry about you being with her. Sophie, don’t listen to his nonsense, got

shot him a look, and Arius instantly grabbed

see that? He keeps glaring at


into laughter

this friend

glare at Sunny, who

hand lies with me. What’s with that bright smile on your

Sophie sighed.

stand the way Arius

her time on

of Arius’ lips

me anymore? Did she just leave without saying goodbye to me?

go, Sunny.” Nevertheless, he took Sophie’s friend as his friend too, so he was friendly to the

his hand around Sunny’s

go of Tristan’s hand until they were out of the

Tristan, you can head home by yourself.” Sophie was planning to just take a cab

that, Tristan arched a brow. Where is she going so

late, and it isn’t safe for you to stay outside alone. Let me send you

those people who bum into me should be worried about that,” Sophie joked, but what she said held a tinge of

to look into Sunny’s matter? Leave this to me. I’ll deal with it in a way that

at Sky Media has gone too

not believe that they actually had the guts to hurt

deal with it, Sophie was certain that she would receive a satisfactory outcome. After

Sophie home, Tristan

so he was the best person

midnight, Charles was with a

lass had a fantastic figure, and she was all in to

and just as they were one step away from the

hell is that?” Charles wished he could murder the person on the other end

is it?” he bellowed into the receiver. “I really hope you’re


Tristan furrowed his brows. Who

was Tristan, Charles quickly put on his

what’s the matter? Please don’t make me suffer even if you’re

Charles was distraught.

lunatic like Tristan? His practice of abstinence has nothing to do with me. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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