“Why? Is it because of Arius?”

“Not really. Even though I fancy him, I’m not going to give up my job over something like that.” Georgina tried hard to maintain the nonchalant expression on her face. “As you’re well aware, my parents are worried about me living alone in Jipsdale. They feel that I should look for someone reliable to take care of me if I want to continue staying here.”

She could understand where her parents were coming from. Jipsdale was a big city filled with all sorts of characters who made her parents worry.

“What do you mean?”

“My parents have planned to matchmake me with someone, and I need to make a trip back home.” The man her parents approved of was from her hometown. Thus, they hoped that she would come back to meet him.

Since she was single, she didn’t mind going along with her parents’ plan.

“What if you hit it off? Does it mean that you’re not coming back?” Sophie still hoped that Georgina could manage the medical association.

“Perhaps. I do feel lonely here sometimes. Now that my parents are advanced in age, I shouldn’t let them worry about me.” The big city does make me feel the need to have someone. Who knows, having a boyfriend and starting a family might be what’s best for me.

“Fine. Don’t overthink it for now. Just treat this as a holiday. Go home and see whoever you need to, and come back whenever you feel like it.” Sophie, empathizing with her friend, was extremely supportive.

Her response caused Georgina to give her a hug.

“Thank you, Sophie.” To be able to work at the medical association was indeed a huge stepping stone in her career. “I might not ever come back, so I just want to thank you for all that you’ve done for me.”

Tears began to well up in Georgina’s eyes.

She was never one to be sentimental, but the thought of her living in a different city and leaving everything here behind still saddened her.

“Georgina, don’t give yourself too much pressure. Regardless of what happens, you have my support. All that matters is that you find happiness.”


hometown that very day. Arius only found out about it when he sought her out

as if a large part of his

a sensation that he had never felt before. Without a moment’s hesitation, he went to the lab to see Sophie, who coincidentally had business

was doing the

you want? Whatever it is, get straight

She has never taken a day off ever since she

in her?” Since you have no feelings for her. You should keep

frustration as he snapped, “I just want to know where

in silence

just don’t want any harm to come to her as she’s now an employee of

you to worry about. Georgina has gone back to her hometown to be matchmade and will probably

have feelings for me? Why is she attending a

she might as well find a man who does and get married. Going forward, there’ll be nothing left

Isn’t it great?

it, doesn’t she have feelings for me? Why did she change her mind so

wait for something that

never appreciate a girl’s feelings when it’s there, yet they feel indignant

do her some good.” Arius didn’t understand why he felt a sudden squeeze in

there’s nothing I

he couldn’t concentrate the entire

how distracted he was, he kicked

the condition you’re in. Just get some rest and stop wasting time here!” He shouldn’t be conducting experiments if he isn’t

chased out, Arius ran into

and asked, “Do you

Let me warn you, Arius. You had better not see her if you’re not interested in

devastated when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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