Chapter 883 Does Not Love Me Anymore

Ysabelle stuck out her tongue. But that’s the veritable truth! They know full well that I hate exercising

Seeing that, William waved a dismissive hand.

“All right, no need to chastise her. Such has always been her nature. If she manages to get up early for a morning run someday, hell would’ve really frozen over.”

“Since you know me so well, Grandpa, you shouldn’t have nagged me.” Ysabelle was the kind of person who preferred lying down to sitting and would never stand if given a choice to have a seat.

She was inherently lazy, and that was something she could never change.

Meanwhile, Sophie chuckled.

“Everyone’s lifestyle is different. It doesn’t matter so long as she’s comfortable with her life. All I did was wake up earlier for a morning run.

“Sure enough, Sophie loves me most!” Ysabelle exclaimed with a wide grin.

“Hey, why are you calling her Sophic? That’s rude!” William reproached. “Call her Aunt Sophie henceforth.”

Words promptly eluded Ysabelle.

At the same time, sheer discomfiture swamped her.

Gosh, Sophie is more than a month younger than me, okay? I really can’t bring myself to call her Aunt!

“I’ll do so when they’ve gotten married, Grandpa.” Verily, it was too awkward an address for her right then.

“Anyhow, you’re not allowed to be so rude in the future.” The atmosphere was harmonious as they had breakfast together.

Ysabelle was the only person who was a touch despondent.

“I think Grandpa doesn’t love me anymore, Aunt Sarah.”

“What nonsense are you spouting? He loves you the most. Everyone in this family loves you!”

Even Sophie dotes on her despite being younger than her

“Oh well, I can no longer feel the love. Grandpa likes Sophie a lot now. I just knew it! Who wouldn’t like a girl like her?”

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the tide has turned.


changed significantly. In the past, he disapproved of Sophie, but now, he defends her at every turn. But then, she’s worthy

of Medicine, Sophie received a

a meal the next time I travel

everything in

no good, for he still

you mean? Are

the airport, won’t you? I’m

she would pick him up at

right? Besides, doesn’t she still owe me a favor?

your flight. I’ll go and pick you up at night. After all, I did owe him

man was over

I’ll be utterly disappointed.” Undeniably, he lowered himself markedly

“Will do.”

heaved a sigh. He’s simply a ticking time bomb. No one can predict what he might

“What’s wrong?”

and pick him up at the airport

that, Tristan went

He genuinely detested Nicholas.

does he think he is?” What right does he have to ask Sophie to pick him

a flash, Sophie was

The hostility between men is pretty intense

knew that she would undoubtedly keep her

pick him up tonight, and I’ll also treat him


was only because he respected her that he made such a compromise. If not,

“Mm, okay.”

unreasonable person either, very much satisfied with the

time she attended a lecture. As she skipped grades,

exceedingly curious about her since she was a legendary genius. Unexpectedly,

classes, but Dominic had asserted that she still needed to

professors would feel humiliated. For that

in a corner, she sat down, ignoring all

is very

can tell that she’s full

to back it up. When someone is capable, she’s right no matter

with the lot of you? If I had her capabilities, I would’ve graduated directly. Even professors can’t solve the questions she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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