Chapter 970 Your Methods Are Wrong

What’s there to be confused about? Everything depends on what Sophie says.

“Oh, is that so?”

“What is it? Do you have something to say? You may voice it out.”

Bertram shook his head at once. She’s joking. How would I dare have something to say? She can do whatever she wants.

Sophie smiled at Bertram’s panicked look. This dense fellow is fun to toy with.

“It would dash their hopes if I do not give them proper training.”

“Don’t concern yourself with their disappointment. All you have to care about is whether or not I will be disappointed. Other people’s opinions are of no consequence.“

“Let’s go, then. Since they want to train with us so much, we might as well oblige them.”

Sophie arrived at the venue. She picked up a gun and shot several rounds at the target.

The others, having assumed they would not be shown what they had come for, were on their way back to their seats when the gunshots sounded.

Turning around, they witnessed her legendary marksmanship. Every bullet found its mark atop one another in the dead center of the target. It was as if a single bullet had passed through.

Bertram had long since known Sophie’s skill with a gun, but that was the first time he saw it in person.

After firing ten shots, Sophie turned to Bertram.

“Is there anything else you’re worried about, Bert? What other training do you think I requir

Having been rendered speechless, Bertram shook his head.

What other training would she need? I don’t care how formidable she is, even Lily would not be a me Tanner.

“No, there really isn’t!”

Instantly, Sophie earned the respect and devotion of all who were present. Several daring young felle hurried over.

is amazing, Ms. Tanner. Could I study under you for a couple of days?”

most things except shooting a gun. Please give me an opportunity, Ms. Tanner!”

of them

was rendered

enthusiastic! What’s

already promised Bertram to take over several

the group cheered.

heard that Sophie was there, Ysabelle hurried over and,



am I supposed to

can teach you if you want to learn, but we’ll do it when we return to Jipsdale, all

under Sophie. She looks

wheelchair-bound Felix another glance, Ysabelle bounded toward

learn from


was giving the group some pointers when Tristan

of yours seems to steal the spotlight wherever she goes, eh,

the line! How could they draw her away like that?

your own lack of

arms. My woman is amazing. Everything she does is

that you’re

condition was not that


feeling proud of yourself.”

one another, how could he lower himself to do

understand, and

so Mr. Tristan never felt otherwise. I, on the

gleaning some pointers from Sophie, the youngsters put them into practice right away

several more tries and you’ll have it down in no time. If you have any other questions, you

Master!” the group

As she did not even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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