Changing Only For Her Novel

Chapter 974 Ambush 

Ysabelle scoffed after watching Lily leave. “This Lily Sanders is so unlikeable.”

Indeed, everyone has the right to pursue their happiness, but her attitude is seriously distasteful.

“You’re right.”

Naturally, Felix didn’t like women like Lily either, for they were too presumptuous.

“Will Bertram be able to get a race car ready?” he asked. They didn’t know there was going to be a race, Since none of them typically liked racing, finding a race car could be challenging.


Tristan phoned Bertram and told the latter to drive a race car to them.

Meanwhile, the first round-jungle warfare-was about to commence. Everyone who entered the jungle would be fighting on their own. The winner would be the person who shot down the most targets without getting shot.

There were twelve participants in total participating in the competition.

However, they wouldn’t be using actual guns, making it akin to a first-person shooter video game. After all, the participants were all influential people. Things could turn ugly if one of them were to die during the event.

“All right. Don’t worry, guys. Such a game is as easy as pie, Sophie uttered. For her, this was pretty much like going back to kindergarten as a degree holder.

“Still, you ought to be careful, Sophie. After all, those participants are all big shots, and they’re ruthless!” Felix couldn’t help advising.

Although they aren’t using actual guns, it’s still dangerous being in the jungle. Besides, Lily is targeting her. If Lily brings a real gun with her, Sophie’s life will be at risk.

“Mm, I know.” Sophie had already applied camouflage face paint on her face and put on her combat gear

“Sophie, you truly are meant to join the military!” Ysabelle remarked, thinking Sophie looked really cool from every angle.


hand. She may be

wrong in there, you should prioritize protecting

to him more than anything


twelve participants assembled as the person in charge explained the

“Does anyone have any questions? No matter what happens, we need to remember

indifferent in nature, so they merely

everyone headed in, Lily purposely walked beside

you weren’t suitable for this sort of game. How about this? For Mr. Tristan’s sake, I’ll let you stay by my side.

speechless. Jeet. Can’t

“You talk too much!”

looking down on me? Perhaps I should

here was notable, so facing such a game, they all looked relaxed on the surface. However, in truth,

their places in Fandar, they had to

got into position. Some of them planned to hide and

hand, was eager to be

five minutes after the participants entered the jungle, gunshots resonated, signifying that the


sick. Alas, they couldn’t see

shooter, but those bigwigs are experienced in combat. After all, they killed their way to get to where

shot would exit first, but it had been ten minutes, and no one had come out yet despite the

only imagine how intense the battle

do it! Her marksmanship is second to none,” he said. And I think she

red dot on his forehead was seen

been in this circle for so many years. Who would’ve

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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