Justin stared at the young child in his arms.Her murmur reached his ears.

It seemed like she was calling out for her mother...The light in his eyes dimmed.

Pete rarely asked about his mother.But as it turned out, to his son, his mother was such an important figure.He lowered his eyes, hiding the complex emotions within.Then, he carried Cherry into the bedroom, took off her shoes, and tucked her in.

He gazed at his son's young, sleeping visage for a long time before he quietly exited the bedroom.

The next day.

"Sorry, I fell asleep last night.Did Daddy scold you last night, Cherry?"

Cherry lay on the bed and sent her brother a voice message back.

"Nope, because even though I don't know much about mathematics, I'm awesome at history! Daddy was so moved that he canceled my homework!"

Pete believed her.

He said, "Okay.Don't forget our plans today"

Cherry was about to reply when the door opened.

Justin pushed the door open and walked in to see his son on the bed with his butt perched high into the air while texting on his cell phone.

At the sight of him, his son turned off the cell phone screen in a slight panic.

Then, with a guilty conscience, he blinked with his big cute eyes and exclaimed, "You look even more handsome today, Daddy!"

Justin couldn't help but smile when he heard the little fellow complimenting him.

"...You're a handsome fellow, too."

"No, that won't do."

Cherry corrected him seriously and said, "Handsome'' is used to describe boys.I'm going to be pretty when I grow up!"

Justin was perplexed.

Cherry flipped the quilt aside and climbed out of the bed nimbly.

Then, she held his large hand with her own small one and asked, "Wanna have breakfast, Daddy? Cherr...Cherry Pit is really hungry!"

Justin glanced at her hesitantly again.

Grandpa was the one that had named him Peter, in hopes that he would be as resilient and down-to-earth as a rock.

How did that become 'cherry pit' instead? It sounded a little sissy.

to the dining room.The presidential

living room, a lounge, a

they were eating, Justin instructed, "Get

the nanny to look after

he entered the study with the family doctor who had

he saw his employer's expression changing again and again before he hesitantly

before, all the names that his son had mentioned were good-looking and

and how he had called himself 'cherry pit' this morning

doctor saw how serious he was, he replied solemnly, "One's

the doctor instructions, Justin

returned to the dining room, he saw Chester and his son's arms slung across each other's backs while they

His face immediately sank.


speaking with a muffled voice

head slowly to see the tyrant

his eyes was as if he wanted to

was so frightened that he jumped up from the

"A-are you okay, Justin?"

his scrutinizing gaze and walked in between

living next door.You can move

Chester was confused.

disdain from the tyrant? When Cherry was full, she walked over

up and asked adorably, "Can you accompany

Justin was about to refuse, his son wheedled,

bent over

others so

round eyes

"Will you go, then?"


it up to his son, he had already postponed all his

to go to the movies, he would accompany

picked an afternoon screening for a cartoon

sent a message to Pete: "All

very quickly:

She was always sleeping, so she was already spending less time with

too much, she agreed to every one of Cherry's

day, she

took Pete to the

theater, the corners of her

just a movie, Cherry. Is this

a mask

prevent being infected by contagious

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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