Nora was driving a jeep, but the way she was driving, it was as if she was driving a sports car instead.

The car stopped at the school gate.

She got out and strode toward the kindergarten.

Ms.Lynn, the teacher who had brought Cherry into the kindergarten earlier that day, was waiting there.

She was a young woman in her twenties and was currently in a panic.

How anxious must the parents be, having something go wrong on the first day their child was sent to school? With that thought in mind, she went forward to Nora and said, "Ms.Smith..."

Nora interrupted her and asked, "Are the children okay?"


"The confused teacher replied,’...

Yes, they are.As Nora walked in with the teacher, she asked, "Are the teachers also okay?"

"..Yes, they are all fine.’ Nora was taken aback.

"In that case, who did Cherry beat up?"

She subconsciously glanced at the school gate.

"The security guard?"


How would Cherry possibly be able to beat such a big and tall security guard, especially when he had even gone through professional martial arts training?’ No, wait, they had digressed too much.

Ms.Lynn said anxiously, "Cherry fainted!"

It was Nora's turn to be surprised this time.

"Surely, she's just faking it?"

Although Cherry was born a month prematurely, as a doctor, Nora had nursed and taken care of Cherry very well.

While she looked a little skinnier than most, she was actually as strong as a young calf! Faint? Cherry? Ms.

Lynn was so dumbfounded that she couldn't even utter the words of comfort she had originally wanted to say.


take a look.’ Ms.Lynn followed after her and said, "She's in the dance studio.Don't worry, Ms.Smith.I know you aren't in good health, so it must have been hard raising Cherry all these years.Cherry is also a very lovable and obedient girl.We'll definitely

Nora was rendered speechless.

calling Cherry by her nickname instead of ‘Cheryl Smith’

happened today? Despite claiming that it was impossible


the dance studio, Nora immediately

few teachers were gathered around her, and standing next to them was a little girl

teacher, who was also wearing a dance

Cherry really hurt? When Nora walked over, she heard the school doctor say, "Don't worry, Ms.Smith.I've already given her

Yeah, aggrieved

wrist and felt a strong pulse, Nora

but hold

the morning, yet she was

acting was pretty

tickled Cherry's palm with a finger: ‘Stop acting and wake up.” Cherry returned a tickle of her own on Nora's palm: ‘Mommy,

and asked, "What

had also entered the

she looked calm and hadn't started ranting at the teachers as soon as she came

to hold a huge party

very talented, so I wanted to let her try out for the dance, but

was probably the

Nora glanced at her.

child's posture was straight

glance that she had gone

even though so much

was obvious how spoiled

she was thinking, the dance teacher who was coaxing Sinead

also had a bit of an arrogant

Whitney Lowe, Sinead's mother: She walked to the side and took out a bag.Then, she took out a wad of cash from within and threw

and pay for Cheryl Smith's medical expenses.This should be enough for you to still have some left over after that.In that sense, the

Nora was bewildered.

look appeared

She looked at Ms.

"What exactly

the dance teacher and explained in a low voice, "Sinead's mother is a dance teacher that the kindergarten specially hired.She was the runner-up in the women's category

kept saying that she wasn't doing it right.The two children then got into an argument and Mrs.Lowe chided

keeps looking at her when she's dancing! I'm the center! Don't

moment she said that, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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