Justin's heart suddenly stopped beating for a moment.

It was only when he saw that she managed to regain her balance that he finally relaxed.

When he wanted to see what she looked like, rows of airplane icons suddenly swept across the screen.

After studying the interface with a frown for a while, he finally turned off the virtual gift visual effects.

However, by the time he looked again, he found that sweetcherry had already turned off the camera.

For some reason, he felt a little disappointed.

He shook his head, finding his behavior rather comical.

She was just a child that he had interacted with a few times.

Why was he so curious about what she looked like ? He tossed the cell phone aside.

The little girl's tender voice rang out in his earphones.

"Thank you for the airplanes, Grandpa! Mwah!"

For some reason, Justin felt a little unhappy.

He had gifted her so many airplanes, but why didn't she blow him any flying kisses? As a result, yet another row of 9999 airplane icons scrolled across the screen.

After sending the gift, he came back to his senses.

He felt that he must be out of his mind...

Then, he heard the excited little fellow exclaim, "Wow, Daddy! You're so amazing, too! Mwah!"

Justin's lip corners couldn't help but curl upward.

Two hours later, Cherry stopped playing and got ready for dinner.

After ending the live stream, she sat on the chair with her chin propped on her hands and looked at the two highest-ranking names on the fan list.

Sponsor Grandpa was still in top place with a total of almost $800,000 in tips.

Daddy was ranked second place with a total of about $600 ,000 in tips.

She felt justified and didn't have any qualms about taking money from her father.

However, it seemed like Sponsor Grandpa didn't know her at all...

Cherry opened a private chat window and sent him a voice message.

At the Smiths.

asked for steak the day before,

the bed in a groggy daze all the way

sweetcherry's live stream seemed to have become the only thing he looked

lan was frowning.

there was a contemplative look

looked like when her mask dropped off just

he had

he might have seen a face like that before, it nevertheless gave

lan smiled bitterly.

life was just

simply looked so adorable and clever? He was about to toss the cell phone

he found that sweetcherry had sent him a private message: "Sponsor Grandpa, do you wanna play

but he didn’t have the heart

are you going to guide

notification rang

Facebook account, Sponsor Grandpa? After we add each other as friends, I'll be able to add you into the game from

"Yes, I

link to her Facebook

to the Facebook account that he hadn't touched

registered the account because of Yvette in the

eyes down, suppressed the discomfort in

name was Cherry

friend request as soon as he sent

that, Cherry sent him several

lan replied with a question

you' re under my care from today onward.You must remember to log in to Facebook every day and

Sparks? lan was confused.

sparks of our friendship extinguish! Once we send each other messages for seven days, our sparks of friendship will burn

lan fell silent.

help but fee! that children came up with some pretty

when he thought of what she


asked, "Sir, how about

lan clenched his jaw.

the little girl...He would drag his life on for a few

the next day, the little girl

He said dispassionately, "Okay."

studio after being dragged

was very big and featured mirrors on all four

that there were a few young men and

a girl in the

sight of Sheril, a thin man came

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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