The black all-terrain vehicle was big and bad-ass, and looked especially conspicuous parked there.

However, what was even more eye-catching than the vehicle was the person casually leaning against it as she used her cell phone with her head down.

Nora, who was fully dressed in black, leaned lazily against the car as she busied herself with her affairs abroad.

She was completely unaware that she had become a sight to behold.

Students coming and going, as well as passers-by walking past the university gates, found their gazes glued to her.

Fair-skinned, tall, slender, and curvy, people couldn't help but turn their heads.

Lisa was also a little surprised to see her.

She called out


Upon hearing her voice, Nora finally lifted her head lazily.

Her cat-like eyes stared at Lisa's red and swollen eyes first .

She leisurely finished what she was typing on the phone, sent it out, and finally asked hesitantly, "What's wrong?"

The two words, however, made Lisa feel as if she was an aggrieved child who had finally found her parents.

She could no longer control her emotions.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she said, "I...I lost my ID card and admission ticket, Nora!"


She had come over to take a look because Lisa was having an interview today.

She hadn't expected such a situation at all.

She had been abroad all these years, so she didn't know much about how Lisa did in school.

She'd originally wanted to have her be admitted into graduate school on her own, but she hadn't expected her to run into trouble.

Since she had lost both her ID card and admission ticket, this was undoubtedly not just an accident.

Lisa looked totally deflated after she said that.

She hung her head and her shoulders slumped downward.

Before she came to New York, her mother had told her not to give Nora any trouble.

Thus, she had put up with everything all this time.

she couldn't help it

wanted to ask

to help her get in through the back door, though; rather, she wanted her to help her fight for a chance to attend

could say

by, she said, "Come with

words, however,

head and followed

Angela frowned.

has already refused to let her attend the interview.Are

her ears and uttered in annoyance,

flushed and

suddenly looked at her

up, I'll make it such that you can't

were cold and menacing, and tinged

her slight display of irritability was actually because she

however, didn't dare to say any more and shut up for

them unwillingly and the few of them returned to the interview

cell phone and tapped

for something as trivial as this, Nora? Director Shaw's not going to take me as his student if you do that.You should just use whatever conveniences the Andersons’ name can get you on getting me admitted into

who recognized them,

me your ID card

"I told you it won't work , yet you guys simply have to insist on trying.Now that we can't get in, it's going to be so

Nora took out her cell phone and showed the screen to the

sight of whatever he saw, the staff member

and he asked, "Is there something that requires you to come


now was her position as

was actually pretty

Nora didn't know was that this

any medical student a long time ago! The staff member in charge of maintaining order here was also a teacher in the school, so

Nora pointed at Lisa.

an e-ID card act as proof of

staff member immediately replied, "I'll go


of them continued standing there in

couldn't help asking, "What did you just show

"...Nothing much” replied Nora.

shut her

it was probably a

Andersons were in contact

members would treat so respectfully! Nora couldn't be bothered about her, but she was surprisingly quite attentive

minutes later, the staff member returned and said, "You can go


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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