Nora clenched her fists silently.Her almond-shaped eyes drooped slightly.

It was as if there was suddenly a heavy burden on her shoulders.She did not expect Quentin to trust her so blindly.

This made her feel pressured.She did not enter and instead turned to lan's lounge.

lan was holding his phone and looking at something.

However, Nora could vaguely hear Joel's voice.She was about to take a closer look when lan heard her enter.

He quickly switched off her phone and looked at her guiltily.

"Nora, why are you here?"

Nora: "...How are you?"

lan smiled.

"I'm quite good.I feel like I can be discharged in a few days” Nora nodded.

lan looked at her.

Nora pursed her lips.

lan was still looking at her.

Nora sat down at the side and stood upright.

lan was still looking at her.

For a moment, there was nothing between them.

A faint awkwardness filled the room.

Looking at her new father, Nora still felt a sense of estrangement.

After all, she had seen him fewer than a dozen times.

Nora stood up.

"If you're fine, I'll get going."

lan subconsciously asked, "You're leaving so soon?"

He had not seen enough of his daughter! Nora nodded.

"Yes, I still have something to do: She walked towards the door and had just opened it when lan's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Nora, you just went to see Quentin, right?"

Nora paused.She did not turn back, but she still heard lan's voice.

"It's okay.As long as you try your best, even if the outcome is unsatisfactory, it's okay.I know Quentin.He won't blame you."

Nora felt relieved.

She felt as if strands of warmth were flowing into her heart again.She lowered her head.


With that, she turned around.

"Thank you' 

into her car and

of something and picked up her phone.She suddenly sent that

replied quickly: "Beg

Nora: "Then forget it."

Psycho: "No, you have

what questions his

Nora: "No."

I can answer you a question

waiting for

must I have

moment this question was asked, the other

Nora's eyes widened in

line, the other party's message

at those words and felt that

and sent


other party: "This is the second


She lowered her eyes.

will you tell

party: "It depends on

did not

him and

understand what this answer meant, but from what she heard, she felt that things

not give birth? She sat in the car quietly and thought for a long time before starting the car and heading to

In the special department.

when Yvonne was in an ordinary prison, she had

by the special department, she still

torture her, but they did not

since she was arrested, she had been in the interrogation

not eat,

haggard, but the gaze in her

interrogation room

said, "Are you waiting for them to save

her eyes trembled before she raised

know what you're

skills have improved

complacent smile appeared

mocking me, then I can tell you that there's no need.Do you really think that the Smiths can do whatever they want with Q? If you have the ability, wait a while for me.I will definitely be more powerful

was only confidence on her face without any

frowned a little when she looked

did not know where her confidence

Even if you invaded Smith Corporation this time, you needed someone to bring in a hard drive for you.What's the point of breaking

this, Yvonne bit her

Jill's nephew had brought in a USB flash drive when he entered Smith

then on, she had planned this attack.What a

but Q had easily disintegrated them! Yvonne lowered her head and sneered, "You don't have to provoke me with your words.Anyway, I won't die

were very

Nora and

became clear.Some algorithms that were originally as difficult to overcome as mountains were easily figured out by me.My logic was clear, and everything was in my mind!

words, she seemed

"Hillary was suddenly in a coma.When the prison guards couldn't find out the reason, she was sent out of the prison.You took the opportunity to hide

Yvonne was stunned.

can save you a second time? Did you expect to

because the restrictions there were

the special department was the most tightly guarded department in New

could escape from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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