Justin glanced at Nora and sighed softly.It was all because Nora wanted to keep it a secret.

At this moment, lan suddenly said, "Mrs.Hunt, it's already so late.Since you've seen Pete now...Shouldn't you be taking Justin back now?"

When Mrs.Hunt heard this, she choked.She looked at lan and said, "lan, look, it was a misunderstanding...What we said just now doesn't count, right?"

Mrs.Hunt finally realized that she had made a mistake when she thought about how Justin had not mentioned anything about this biological mother all these years.

Now , Mrs.Hunt finally realized belatedly that she had made a mistake! However, lan said, "It counts.Why wouldn't it count?!"

Mrs.Hunt hurriedly said, "How can it? Isn't this breaking up a loving couple?"

lan smiled.

"Didn't you also disagree with this marriage earlier? In that case, why should we force each other?"

Mrs.Hunt hurriedly said, "I agree now! For the sake of the two children, don't be calculative with me, okay?"

lan's expression was serious.

"Mrs.Hunt, you're mistaken.Although she already has a child, my daughter doesn't have to worry about not being able to find a good family” Mrs.Hunt became even more anxious.

"She's Pete's biological mother.Other than the Hunts, who else would marry her?"

These words were even more overboard.

As soon as she finished speaking, Justin shouted, "Grandmother!"

Mrs.Hunt instantly realized that she had said something wrong.

She hurriedly looked at lan and saw that his expression had darkened.

"What? The Hunts are already domineering to the point that if I don't let my daughter marry into your family, others will not be allowed to marry my daughter? My family is not to be trifled with! If this doesn't work out, and my daughter isn't able to get married, I'll take care of her forever!"

Mrs.Hunt still wanted to say something, but lan had already turned to look at Joel.

"Joel, it's getting very late.See the guests out!"

Joel stood up immediately.

"Mrs.Hunt, please..."

When Mrs.Hunt saw that they did not care about their reputation, she was even angrier.

"There's no need for you to chase us away.We'll leave ourselves! Justin, Pete, Cherry, pack up and let's go home!"

However, when she said this, there was no movement behind her for a long time.

Mrs.Hunt's thoughts were simple.

were the ones who held their mothers back

not coming to their house! However, she did not

and saw Pete and Cherry looking at her in

Mrs.Hunt was stunned.

what are you waiting for? Carry the

as she finished speaking, she

to do with the Hunts.You can only take

soon as she said this, Pete chimed in, "I'm not leaving.I want


She was stunned.

"These two children are from

lan was very domineering.

This is my granddaughter.She has

held her

is developing, but our wealthy families still care about passing on our daughters.Your daughter will get married sooner or later.The children of our

lan smiled.

my daughter is going away? I'm going to find a househusband for my daughter

Joel and asked, "Joel, do

mind.Even if Nora manages Smith Corporation, I have no

his eyebrows

"Did you hear that?"


not win against lan, so she could only look

you going to

to marry Miss Smith and make her bow her head in compromise, you

she said this, Justin's gaze turned even colder.He had long

traditional daughters who would be at home

Hunts forever! However, with Nora's personality, it was impossible for her

Mrs.Hunt had come to the Smiths, first, to look after Pete, and second to bring Nora down a notch! How could Justin allow Nora to be looked down upon at home in the future? Therefore… he knew what Mrs.Hunt said was true—as long as she took away the two children… or even one of them, Nora would not be able

could not do

Mrs.Hunt as he

Mrs.Hunt was stunned.

the children?"

to the children in the first place.The children will only

Mrs.Hunt looked at Nora.

children come with us.At the very least, let Pete come back with

Nora shook her head.

"Sorry, I can't"

for Cherry to go

for Pete! Ever since she fell asleep a few days ago,

critical period to

Hunts take him away? Mrs.Hunt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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