Nora stared at her phone.She looked at the content of the message.She did not expect such a reply.She had imagined countless possibilities and guessed all kinds of situations, but she was unwilling to believe this.

Trueman's message was very Clear: "It's artificial insemination: Artificial insemination...

These four words allowed her to imagine that after she fell asleep back then, someone had entered her room and injected her body...

Even her giving birth was a conspiracy by others? She clenched her fists tightly.

Morris was also staring at her phone at the side.

As Trueman was involved in the mysterious organization's case, he had been observing their chats the entire time.

When he saw this reply, he looked at Nora in surprise.He had originally thought that Nora's children were born because she and Justin were truly in love.He did not expect this to be the case...He was in disbelief, let alone this woman.

Nora's fingers tightened around the phone.Her chin was clenched tightly and her face was expressionless, but one could vaguely feel the anger surging out of her.

From the first time Morris had met her, he had always felt that Nora had a calmness that could not be affected even if Mount Everest collapsed in front of her.

It was as if nothing in the world could stump her.Later on, he also realized that the girl was very skilled.

Be it in alternative medicine or modern ...

An outstanding person should have their own pride.

At this moment, she must be feeling furious.

At the thought of this, Morris took a step back and decided not to look at her messages anymore.

He did not want her to feel even more embarrassed and indignant.

Nora was indeed very angry.

She had clearly been working hard to learn all kinds of skills and knowledge since she was young.

She was clearly not afraid of anything now, but how could she be controlled by others? Even when giving birth, she was given no choice! As she lowered her eyes and stared at her phone, Morris suddenly said, "It will take some time to interrogate all the people.This is not your specialty.Why don't you go back first?"

When Nora heard this, she narrowed her eyes.

She looked at Morris and nodded.

"Okay.With that, she turned and left.After she left, someone came to Morris's side and said, "These people have very tough mouths.They haven't said anything yet"

Morris frowned.

"Interrogate them again"

other party

methods are indeed advanced, but they are still not top-notch.From what I know, the world's number one killer, Black Cat, has an interrogation method that can

Morris glanced over.

other party

in our

two of them spoke, Morris's gaze was fixed on

was stubborn, but there was a sadness

suddenly wanted to comfort her, so he took

he reached the door, he suddenly saw a tall man standing in front of the girl's car in the

stopped in his

walked to the jeep in

took out her car keys and unlocked

got closer, she suddenly looked up and saw Justin leaning against her car, looking at her silently.The man had his back to the sun.His black suit made him look capable.His legs were thin and long, and he was

fair skin, those dark eyes

at the corner of his eye

was stunned to see


door very naturally and got

to the front

she sat down, the man started the car and

to pick you up from

back home.Nora

seemed to have sensed her emotions and asked, "What's

suddenly looked

how I got

was slightly stunned before he

did you

relaxed and pursed her lips before saying, "Artificial insemination.So the night you lost your memory, you were probably taken by

the rest, but Justin definitely

her and Justin's lives had

the man

had a helpless resentment toward things that he could not control and was

was calm, as if he was not angry

answered casually, "Oh, what


and did not understand what this meant, she heard him say, "Unfortunately, you didn't get pregnant

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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