Margot hated Karl.

Leonel and Karl were both gangsters back then.They did not do much work and gambled every day.She was sent to Jones’ bed by Leonel to get some money.

Mr.Jones was rich and liked her body.

The two of them were often together.

However, every time Leonel took the money and asked her to sleep with him, he would beat her up.

Later on, when he realized that she was pregnant...

Leonel would get her to ask Mr.Jones for a huge sum of money! Only then did Margot kill him ruthlessly.

At that time, she did not have any hostility toward Karl.

However, it was strange that Karl had bumped into her murder scene! Margot still remembered that she had turned around happily after killing Leonel, only to be scared out of her wits when she saw Karl.

She begged him to pretend that he had not seen any of it.

However, when Karl saw Leonel die, he said, "Margot, turn yourself in.I believe the law will treat you gently!"

However, she then stabbed the knife into her own arm.She was covered in blood as she walked past Karl.She was also doing this for her own happiness.She was pregnant.She could not go to jail! She ran into the street and shouted, "Murder! Murder!"

Karl chased after her.

"Margot, don't be like this.Go surrender yourself!"

Then, she bumped into the traffic police.She said that Karl had killed someone.

As a hooligan, Karl always had some criminal records on him.

If he ran away, he would be confirmed as a murderer.

Margot thought that she would be able to rest easy from now on.

wanted to have a child

said that he could not marry her.Her status was too low, and she

the two of them got married, the police would suspect them of Leonel's

it silently and finally

came looking for her.She carried the child who had been born just two days ago

did Karl go? He can't have killed anyone, right?

stared at her

always said that she was

cried and wanted to look for

Margot was afraid.

she went all out and

her, Margot

murder case had not been

but what if Margot was also killed? Margot then cut open Jill's face and forced Mr.Jones to bring her

then on, she lived with Jill's

As for Tanya...

wanted everyone to know that Jill had given birth.She did not want

behind and forged Hillary's birth

then on, she had always wanted Tanya

even deliberately locked her

went out for a

returned, she thought that she would see her corpse, but the little girl was still alive

like wild grass

and Mr.Jones were taken away by the

evidence provided, Margot's murder charge


conspiracy was easily exposed by

murderer's father had already been cleared of

no longer a

people who had come to the Smiths to give gifts finally faced

gave their gifts

quietened down after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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