Mrs.Hunt was taken aback.

"What do you mean? Weren't you fired?"

Nora didn't pay any more attention to her.

After all, chatting with her was a total waste of time.She politely replied, "I'm going to bed.Goodnight"

And then, she hung up.

If she weren't Justin’s grandmother, she couldn't even be bothered to say goodnight.

How dare she say that she was unskilled in building interpersonal relationships? Hah.

Nora picked up the phone and sent a message to Solo: ‘How do you find me as a person?’

 Solo, who was far away in Switzerland, gnashed his teeth in fury upon seeing her text message.

If she hadn't saved his life, he wouldn't have been enslaved and suppressed by her so easily.But did he dare to fight back? Of course not.

Thus, Solo replied: "You're fantastic! Absolutely great!"

Nora was very satisfied.

See? Even someone as unsociable and eccentric as Solo thought that she was a great person.

Why would she be poor at building and maintaining interpersonal relationships with others? Solo sent another message: "I'm going back to the States in a couple of days and will be in New York.Wanna meet?"

He was coming back to New York? Didn't that mean that it would be perfect for her to use him to cover up her identity? Nora didn't want her identity as Q to be exposed.

Thus, she replied: ‘Good timing.I have something I need you to do”

Nora put down the phone, completely unsuspecting that she might not really be great at interpersonal relationships, after all.

When she was about to go to bed, someone knocked on the door.She opened the door to find Joel outside.

He had an anxious look on his face.

is going on

replied calmly, "He is very confident, and even told me that he'll


for him to ask around and get news from the

than asking others for news, he might as

her to come home while he also continued getting his

would say was just a few words? Perhaps it wasn't convenient for her to tell outsiders about


Never mind.

of his was, she wouldn't be able to give him a clear account of what had happened even if he wanted to

that in

"I heard about what happened to you.It's okay, don't be

to me?"

Joel was surprised.

know, you've been

would I be


for a short while.Then, Joel coughed and turned

he turned, Nora suddenly called out to

looked back

asked, "How do you find me as a

she was just like a rock— never soft toward anyone! But could the wily little fox Joel

and replied, "Very

Nora nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, there's nothing else."

to leave, she immediately


After asking the two of

had a good personality, so how would she possibly be unskilled at interpersonal relationships? When she woke up the next day, Nora opened her eyes to see

She stretched.

wash up, she looked at Pete and

Pete looked up.

"Yes, Mommy?"

son's eyes were serious, which made Nora smile. She asked, "What

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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