Johnson nodded.

"Exactly! Captain Ford has been refusing to put Karl on trial.I really don’t know what he's thinking.Poor Mark, though, he's still locked up right now."

Janson became furious and indignant.

"Captain Ford has really become muddleheaded! He has never done this before.He is really disappointing me this time!"

After making use of the opportunity to paint a bad picture of Morris, Johnson said, "It'd be for the best if Terry can wake up.

Otherwise, we won't be able to cement Karl's charges.

Captain Ford will probably use the excuse of insufficient evidence to release him!"

Janson clenched his fists tightly.

At this time, the sound of footsteps traveled over from a distance away.The two looked over to see Morris and Nora walking over.

Nora was accompanied by a big and tall man.

Although he fell behind by a few steps, it was impossible for anyone to ignore him.

It was none other than Justin.

Morris asked, "Janson, how is your father doing?"

Janson sneered, "Do you even care how my father is doing, Captain Ford? Shouldn't you be more concerned about Karl's safety instead? Why aren't you staying by his side in the special department anymore?"

Upon hearing what he said, Morris kept quiet.

Nora, however, narrowed her eyes.Her gaze swept across Johnson and Janson impatiently and she asked, "So, do you want to treat your father's illness now?"

Janson nodded at once.


Although he didn't like Nora either—after all, Nora and Karl were on very close terms—she was the only one who could treat his father now.

box in her hand, Nora walked past Janson and entered the ward where Terry

the room

at the end of the line, looked into the distance from

asked, "Waiting for

one-liner made everyone

immediately replied,

that, he became

people from the inspection unit here yet?! His brows drew together and he followed

he saw Nora

sound of footsteps suddenly traveled over from

eight people

conducting human experiments in the hospital! Such actions

existence itself! Yet not only had the special department not been able to catch the culprits behind the gene serum, but they were instead conducting human experiments of their own? This must never be allowed! The

when he



given us a signed tip -off saying that you people are conducting

Janson was dumbfounded.

signed tip-off?" Justin immediately looked

as though he had seen through everything.He said, "Captain Johnson has been waiting for someone


"Uncle Johnson?"

the tip-off anonymously, the people from the inspection unit wouldn't be

so his name had gone onto the

Do you know what you are doing? Do you know how fearsome the gene serum is? How many people have

Janson panicked.

yourself! Quentin Smith managed to get

shook his head and

if it really works, you can only use it after it has gone through the inspection unit's checks.You can't use it on someone without

"Have you forgotten how much your father abhorred the

Morris and said, "And you, too.As the leader of the special department, how

cold Morris suddenly sneered, "Captain Johnson, is it really because of these pretentious reasons that you're so opposed to this ? Or


to him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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