Maisie looked at the three rugrats on the ground exhaustedly, chuckled, and said, “You three really do know how to make things difficult for me.”

Daisie was the first one to respond. “Mommy, we just want you to get along well with Daddy.”

Colton took over the conversation immediately. “Yes, Mommy, look at us, we don’t have a Daddy, and we’re so pitiful!”

Waylon did not know what to say, so he just nodded his head anyway.

I’m going to wash my face.” Maisie walked straight to the restroom.

Daisie scratched her head “Mommy doesn’t seem to have slept well.”

Colton nodded. “I know, right? Mommy has dark circles under her eyes…” 1 The three rugrats looked at Nolan, who was still sleeping, and crept close to him.

Colton could not help but ask, “Why is Daddy still not awake?”

Daisie and Waylon stared at Nolan for a long time. Waylon then noticed something was wrong and stretched out his hand to touch hís forehead. “Daddy seems to be having a fever!”

Colton was startled “Could it be because we made Daddy soak himself in ice water last night…”

enough, they were the ones who

thermometer and looked at 102 degrees


Daisie looked worried. “Mommy,

sick could die, so she

like the fever and cold that we

at that moment with some fever-reducing medicine that was available at

medicine in his hand, picked up a glass of warm water that Daisie brought in, and hesitated for a split second all

I get this into

“They usually feed medicine using mouth-to-mouth in

dramas in the future!” Maisie was about

Nolan’s mouth and chugged it down with water. Nolan choked, coughed, and woke up immediately

at him with

had awakened, Maisie said, “I’ve given you fever-reducing medicine. Now that you’re

back down. “I’m a patient, and I need a


pouted. “Mommy, Daddy is already sick. How can you drive

may be robbed by beggars if he were to pass

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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