The car stopped in front of Taylor Jewelry. Kennedy and Maisie got out together and walked toward the main entrance.

Taylor Jewelry was the biggest jewelry company in Zlokova, with its subsidiaries being in the top 10 in the country. Anyone who would want to be at the top of the industry would have to b e in a partnership with them.

A lot of the materials used by Taylor were monopolized. The rough diamonds and opals used could not be found anywhere else, but not everyone could become the best supplier for rough stones because of the requirements on price and quality.

Kennedy went to the front desk to inform the staff of their arrival. When their identity was confirmed, they were brought into the VIP lounge.

There were two people in the VIP lounge who seemed to be from other companies.

“Please take a seat. We’ll get to you shortly.”

Kennedy and Maisie walked to the couch on the other side and took their seats when the staff left.

was applying lipstick while looking at a mirror. She stared at Kennedy and Maisie for a split second, put her lipstick

smiled. “We’re from Soul Jewelry

“Soul Jewelry Studio?”

next to her, rolled her eyes, and laughed. “I’ve never heard of

the cup to drink

and walked toward them, “Taylor is the biggest jewelry company in Zlokova. How would you even dream of working with them when no

has never heard of this Soul Jewelry Studio that you mentioned. Did you lie your way

La Perla?

was as famous as Hailey & Co., but she didn’t expect them to be

because you‘ve never heard of us doesn’t mean that we don’t exist.” Maisie put down

heard of me before? My name is Pearl Santiago

frowned. “You are Antonio Santiago’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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